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Reading and writing b and d, h and n worksheet

Reading and writing b and d, h and n (Phase 2 phonics)

Sometimes b gets muddled with d and h gets muddled with n. Can you highlight all the bs and all the ds in two different colours? Now cut out these words and play Pairs or Snap!
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Reading and writing e, u and r worksheet

Reading and writing e, u and r (Phase 2 phonics)

What letters do these words start with? Write the letter under each picture. Now can you highlight the letters e, ur and r in these words?
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Reading and writing h, f and l worksheet

Reading and writing h, f and l (Phase 2 phonics)

This worksheet all about these three letters: h, f and l. Here are some words with the first letter missing. Which letter do you need to fill in to make real words? Can you write the words in the boxes? Now read these sentences and answer yes or no.
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Reading and writing silent ‘h’ worksheet

Reading and writing silent ‘h’ (Phase 5 phonics)

Lots of our question words start with ‘wh’. Can you read these words? Can you think of a question using each of these question words? Now fill in the gaps in these questions with the right ‘wh’ words.
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Reading two-syllable words worksheet

Reading two-syllable words (Phase 2 phonics)

Start off by reading these words one syllable at a time, then show your child how to read them as one whole word. The cut out the jigsaw pieces and see if you can match together the first and second syllable to make a real word.
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Spelling patterns: ‘er’ and ‘ur’ worksheet

Spelling patterns: ‘er’ and ‘ur’ (Phase 3 phonics)

The graphemes ‘er’ and ‘ur’ make the same sound, /er/. Read the sentences below then cut out the word cards and play bingo
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Spelling patterns: c and k worksheet

Spelling patterns: c and k (Phase 2 phonics)

Which of these words DO NOT start with a c or k? Now cut out and put together these two dice. Roll both dice together and see if when you put the single letter in front of the ending if you get a real word or a silly word.
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The /ai/ sound worksheet

The /ai/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)

When we put the letters a and i together we make the phoneme /ai/. Can you write the words under these pictures using the /ai/ sound spelled ‘ai’? Then cut out these words, read them and sort them
into piles of rhyming words.
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The /air/ sound worksheet

The /air/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)

In the phoneme frame below, keep changing the first letter to read different words. How many different words can you come up with? Write them down and then use them to make up your own sentences. Then have a game of pairs with these /air/, /igh/ and /ear/ sound words.
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The /ear/ sound worksheet

The /ear/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)

In the phoneme frame, keep changing the first letter to read different /ear/ words. How many different words can you come up with? Write them down and then use them to make up your own sentences then read the short sentences and fill in the missing word.
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