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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Word connections

Verbal reasoning: Word connections

In this question type you are asked to choose two words, one from each set of brackets, that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way. Try these practice questions to get you thinking about word connections.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Word sets practice

Verbal reasoning: Word sets practice

These questions are all about spotting the connections between words. Try these practice questions.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Word sets: spotting the odd words out

Verbal reasoning: Word sets: spotting the odd words out

In these questions you are given five words. Three of them are connected, but the other two aren’t part of the set. Can you spot the odd words out?
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Words hidden in a sentence

Verbal reasoning: Words hidden in a sentence

In these questions you are asked to find a four-letter word that is hidden in a sentence. The hidden word will be spread over two consecutive words.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Words with two meanings

Verbal reasoning: Words with two meanings

Choose one word from those printed below that would fit equally well with both sets of words in the brackets. They may have a similar meaning or be connected in some other way.
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Active and passive sentences worksheet

Active and passive sentences

A Year 4 English worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child understand active and passive voice, with examples.
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Active or passive worksheet

Active or passive?

See if you can turn these active sentences into passive sentences.
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Find the subject and object worksheet

Find the subject and object

These sentences contain a subject, verb and object. Underline the subject in green, the verb in purple and the object in orange.
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Finding the subject, verb and object in sentences worksheet

Finding the subject, verb and object in sentences

Emmanuel has just been to the circus. He has written various sentences about his time there. Can you identify the subject, verb and object in each one? Underline the subject in green, the
verb in purple and the object in orange.
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Identifying active and passive worksheet

Identifying active and passive

Read the following passage. It’s packed with active sentences, but can you identify the passive sentences?
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