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Ks3 English worksheets

Y6 to Y7 English transition pack

Y6 to Y7 English transition pack

Prepare for KS3 English with our Year 6 to Year 7 literacy transition pack. Revise journalistic writing, figurative language, persuasive text and more, as well as trying your hand at some tricky reading comprehensions and completing some wordsearches. A brilliant way to boost your confidence over the summer holidays, the Y7 English transition pack will help you hit the ground running in secondary school!
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Features in a spoken advert worksheet

Features in a spoken advert

This practical worksheet encourages your child to analyse a spoken advert and then use some of the same kind of persuasive language in their own writing.
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Using emotive language worksheet

Using emotive language

By using emotive language your child can manipulate readers' emotions to great effect. Can they make them sympathise with an excitable puppy or an injured toddler? (Or is that an aggressive puppy or a tormenting toddler?)
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Using adjectives for effect worksheet

Using adjectives for effect

This advanced worksheet was created by a teacher for KS2 and KS3 children to explain how adjectives can be used for effect in their writing.

Different adjectives can completely transform a piece of writing, as your child will find out when they write two contradictory reviews of a pop concert. Will they judge the singer as 'cool' or 'cold'?
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Unscramble the text types worksheet

Unscramble the text types

Kick off a language analysis activity with a quick text types puzzle! Your child will also need to identify commands, alliteration, emotive words and use of the first person.
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Simile and metaphor worksheet

Simile and metaphor

Can your child identify similes and metaphors? This worksheet offers a quick reminder of how and when they're used and helps your child improve their descriptive writing by using them correctly.
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Reading to interpret worksheet

Reading to interpret

Help your child unlock hidden meaning in text with this worksheet about colour association. After reading an explanation and examples, can they put their knowledge into practice in their own writing? Suggested answers are included so you can look over their work and help them improve it.
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Reading comprehension: finding evidence in a text worksheet

Reading comprehension: finding evidence in a text

This activity, aimed at Year 7 or advanced primary school pupils, will help your child analyse and break down a text to find evidence for their answers. What words have been used to create an impact? What images have been painted for the reader? Work through this activity step by step to practise reading comprehension.
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Understanding text: purpose and target audience worksheet

Understanding text: purpose and target audience

Time for some text analysis! Can your child identify the purpose and target audience of different types of text which all relate to the same subject? They will need to look for key words to help them prove their point.
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Painting a picture with words worksheet

Painting a picture with words

This worksheet will help improve your child's descriptive writing by encouraging them to draw on their sensory experiences. Can they describe a scary place through smell, hearing, sight, touch and taste? What will a reader picture after hearing their text?
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Finding clues in text worksheet

Finding clues in text

Test reading comprehension skills with some thorough analysis of a short piece of text. What atmosphere, emotion and setting does the writer convey? What effective techniques are used? A KS3 worksheet, also suitable to stretch gifted Year 6 pupils.
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All about imagery worksheet

All about imagery

Imagery is used in writing to help us imagine a place or character more clearly. This worksheet helps your child practise identifying imagery and then come up with their own metaphors and similes to enrich their descriptive writing.
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