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Year 4 Non fiction worksheets

Cover for KS2 English paper 2024

Key Stage 2 - 2024 English SATs Papers

Help your child prepare for the Year 6 English SATs, taken at the end of Key Stage 2, with some revision and at-home practice. These KS2 SATs past papers from 2024 are the official past papers from the Department for Education, used in schools.
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Year 4 proofreading: organising information into paragraphs

Year 4 proofreading: organising information into paragraphs

Paragraphs are used to split writing into sections; each paragraph is about a different topic. Can you cut out these sentences and organise them into paragraph groups?
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Book reviews activity pack

Book reviews activity pack

Help your child explore books and language with TheSchoolRun's Book reviews activity pack, a huge collection of reading comprehension and creative writing resources for Year 1 to Year 6.
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Formal and informal language worksheet

Formal and informal language

In everyday life we often to choose to write in formal or informal language, depending on what we’re writing and who we’re writing to. Look at the two letters below. Discuss which bits of each letter are formal and informal with an adult. Can you underline and label certain features?
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Writing recounts: newspaper reports

Writing recounts: newspaper reports

A newspaper article is a form of recount. Can you write your own newspaper report? Use the writing frame provided or make your own. Remember to include all the important features of a newspaper article.
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Write your own explanation text worksheet

Write your own explanation text

Think of a topic that you could write your own explanation text about. Think of something you are interested in. Now make some notes on your topic then create a writing frame, either on the computer or by drawing lines with a pencil and ruler. Plan your explanation text on your writing frame. When you are happy with your plan, use another writing frame to write up your text neatly
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Recount planning frame worksheet

Recount planning frame

Use this planning frame to write a recount. There are some helpful questions to get you going.
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Reading explanation texts worksheet

Reading explanation texts

Explanation texts explain how something is done. Read this text is about how glass bottles are recycled. Can you find these elements in this explanation text: sub-headings; numbering; paragraphs; pictures / diagrams; other connectives such as because, but, and, therefore?
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Planning and writing a film review worksheet

Planning and writing a film review

Think of a film you have seen that you really enjoyed. Can you write a film review that will persuade somebody to watch it? Make some notes in these boxes to help you plan your review.
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Persuasive writing: film reviews worksheet

Persuasive writing: film reviews

Film reviews usually include: information about when the film was made, who it starred and awards it won; a few sentences to sum up the story of the film; a paragraph giving an opinion about the film.
The idea of this review is that it should PERSUADE you to watch the film. Read this film review for The Wizard of Oz and underline any parts of the review that might make you want to watch The Wizard of Oz.
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Fact and opinion worksheet

Fact and opinion

A FACT is something which can be proven to be true. An OPINION is what somebody feels or thinks about something. Someone has written a paragraph about spaghetti bolognese. Highlight the facts in blue and the opinions in red.
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Fact and opinion in a newspaper article worksheet

Fact and opinion in a newspaper article

Read this article about a very clever dog. Can you find three facts in the newspaper article and underline them in blue? Can you find three opinions in the article? Underline them in red.
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Explanation texts writing frame worksheet

Explanation texts writing frame

Read these notes on how bees produce honey. Write an explanation text on the writing frame, using the information above. You will need to put the notes above into proper sentences. Remember to include: time connectives; other connectives such as because, but, and, therefore; you also need to draw some pictures in the blank boxes.
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Asking questions to plan a recount worksheet

Asking questions to plan a recount

Read about this incident on a family holiday and imagine that this had happened to you recently. Think of some questions you could ask your family members about this incident. Get some of your family members to read the paragraph above, ask them your questions and write a recount of the event.

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What would you put in a time capsule worksheet

What would you put in a time capsule?

Time capsules are fun ways to find out what life was like in decades past. If your child could make a time capsule, what would they put in it? Encourage them to think carefully about what they'd include, and explain their reasons on the worksheet.
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Writing frame - letter to a friend worksheet

Writing frame - letter to a friend

An empty writing frame for children to use to write their own letter. Also prompts the use of time connectives.
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Instructions on how to play a game worksheet

Instructions on how to play a game

This worksheet encourages your child to write instructions on how to play a game for a child who does not speak English.
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Spoken instructions for an obstacle course activity

Spoken instructions for an obstacle course

This worksheet details an activity involving setting up an obstacle course as a basis for practising clear spoken instructions.
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Instructions for obstacle course with blindfold activity

Instructions for obstacle course with blindfold

A worksheet guiding children on how to make an obstacle course to complete blindfolded while another child gives instructions. Provides an opportunity for speaking and listening attentively.
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Writing a letter to a pen friend worksheet

Writing a letter to a pen friend

A worksheet with an example letter, encouraging your child to write a letter to a pen friend, using the correct structure.
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