Times tables articles
Best times tables apps for kids
Help your child become a times tables whizz with apps that will build their accuracy, speed and fluency.
Best times tables learning tools
"Times tables practice"... words guaranteed to make any primary-school parent's heart sink. Make multiplication tables learning a little less painful and a little more effective with our pick of the best games, apps, songs and tools on the market.
The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) explained
A formal test of multiplication skills takes place in the summer term of Year 4. Our guide for parents explains how the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) will work in English primary schools.
Best maths story books for children
Introduce ratio, pie charts, probability and even simplifying fractions to children with these brilliant maths story books, picture-book presentations of mathematical concepts that primary-school children will love.
What are number facts?
Children are expected to memorise a number of different number facts in primary school, including number bonds to 20 and the multiplication and division facts for the twelve times tables. We explain what number facts your child will be taught when and suggest easy ways to support their learning at home.
Learning the 6, 8 and 9 times table: tips and tricks
Tips and resources to help primary-school children master the 6, 8 and 9 times tables, with advice from experienced educator and teacher John Bald.
Learning the 5, 10, 11 and 12 times table: tips and tricks
Tips and tricks to help you help your child master the "easy" times tables (5, 10, 11 and 12), plus worksheets, games and activities to put the learning into practice.
Learning the 4 times table: tips and tricks
Practising the 4 times table with your child? Try educator John Bald's table-specific tips to help your child master it, then use 4 times table worksheets and games to consolidate the learning.
Learning the 7 times table: tips and tricks
The 7 times table is often the hardest to learn, but don't lose heart – educator John Bald has specific tips and a step-by-step learning plan to help you help your child master it.
Learning the 3 times table: tips and tricks
Once your child is confident with the 2 times table it's time to move on to 3s and 5s. Follow educator John Bald's advice to help you support your child with the 3 times table and find links to 3 times table worksheets and games.
Learning the 2 times table: tips and tricks
The 2 times table is the foundation of all multiplication tables learning. Follow educator John Bald's practical and very specific advice to help you support your child with the 2 times table and find links to worksheets and games to make practice fun.
Times tables: the best ways to learn
Each multiplication table has its own pattern and poses a different challenge to learners. Teacher and educational consultant John Bald offers practical strategies and ideas to help your child learn each times table and boost their confidence with multiplication.
Primary numeracy glossary for parents
From area to word problems, TheSchoolRun's primary-school numeracy glossary offers a complete guide to all the maths concepts children are taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Brush up on your own mathematical skills, clear up homework confusion and understand exactly what your child is learning at school by reading our basic definitions (with links to more detailed explanations, teachers' tips and examples).
What are arrays?
We explain what arrays are and give examples of how they can help children with their times tables learning and to explain the relationship between multiplication and division.
What are two-step and multi-step problems?
We explain what two-step and multi-step problems are and give examples of typical problems a child might be asked to solve in primary school (and how the answer can be worked out!).
Teachers' tricks for multiplication
Can you multiply using the grid method, or draw a multiplication calculation as arrays? Find out more about multiplication and how it’s taught in schools today with our teachers' tips, tricks and methods, explained for primary-school parents.
Times tables: 10 things every parent needs to know
If you're a KS2 parent, chances are you'll spend more time than you ever thought possible looking for ways to help your child learn their times tables. Here are the ten things you should know before you get started.
Teachers’ tricks for learning times tables
Do you dread times table practice as much as your child does? Primary school teacher Alice Hart uses these effective learning strategies in her classroom – give them a try to liven up today's homework time.
Top times tables games
Help your children enjoy learning their times tables with a few easy games. Education writer Phoebe Doyle suggests five ideas for you to try.
'My 3-year-old knew all his times tables'
How does it feel to have an incredibly intelligent child? Tracy Lee Newman and her husband Neill, from Essex, first suspected their son Oliver might be exceptional when he was two.