20 things you learn in your child's Reception year
The first year of school is a big learning curve for your Reception child – and for you, too...
Primary science glossary for parents
From condensation to the water cycle, TheSchoolRun's primary-school science glossary offers a complete guide to all the concepts children are taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 science. Brush up on your own science knowledge, clear up homework confusion and understand exactly what your child is learning at school by reading our basic definitions (with links to more detailed explanations, teachers' tips and examples).
Concentration exercises for primary school children
Getting your child to concentrate can be a tricky task, so try these fun tasks to help improve their attention and focus.
Primary school parents' resolutions for the New Year
The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on what we could do differently in the 12 months ahead. Here are our resolutions for the year ahead...
Teachers' tips for creative writing
How can children get to grips with creative writing? We asked teacher and author Jacqueline Harris for her insider advice.
21 things that always happen on school mornings
The hour before you leave the house for school is always the most stressful of the day. Here's why...
Best science sets for children
Looking for ways to encourage your child's interest in the world around them? These learning-through-play sets are perfect for budding scientists, allowing them to get hands-on and experiment with simple physics, meteorology, geology, anatomy, mechanics and more.
What is an all-through school?
More and more schools are opening up that provide education for all children from age three to 19. We look at the pros and cons of this new model of schooling.
Best tablet toys for children
Every child we know loves playing with a tablet computer – and now connected toys take learning to a new level by combining hands-on play with digital animations to teach the basics of story-telling, maths, spelling, reading and physics. Tablet toys are definitely not just for kids!
School social media policies explained
With cyber safety and online bullying becoming increasingly problematic, many schools are adopting social media policies. But what do these documents actually do?
16 truths about being a primary school parent at Christmas
'Tis the season to be jolly – but if you've got a child at primary school, the Christmas period can be a month-long feat of endurance. Good luck...
Surviving the festive season: parents' tips for SEN kids
Christmas crowds, lights, smells and lack of routine can make the holidays a challenging time for autistic children. Help keep the whole family happy during the festivities with practical tips from parents from the disability charity Scope’s online community.
The best charity clubs for kids
A charity membership is a great gift idea for your primary school child that will keep entertaining them – and helping others – all year round. From "adopting" a polar bear with the WWF to finding out how children around the world live with Plan International, we've rounded up our pick of the best.
16 of the best new books for children for Christmas 2015
Looking for the perfect books for your child to find under the tree? Whatever their interests or reading ability, there's a fantastic selection on offer this Christmas, from the latest Rick Riordan blockbuster to new classics, non-fiction treasures to pore over and laugh-out-loud funny reads. The holidays will be story-filled!
The etiquette of charity days at school
Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of fundraising events at your child’s school? We take a look at the unofficial rules.
The truth about primary school photos
Hoping for a decent school photo of your child this year? You'll be lucky...
17 things that make every primary school parent see red
Never underestimate the wrath of a parent whose child has just stepped in dog poo on the school run...
The parents' guide to the flu vaccine
This autumn all children in Reception to Year 6 (as well as those aged two to four) will be offered a free flu vaccine. We explain the facts parents need to know about the 'jab'.
Creativity in primary science: to infinity and beyond
Is your child fascinated by the world around them, from the earth to the stars? Do they blast off from the kitchen table and explore Mars in a den made from sofa cushions? Bryony Turford, primary teacher and director of STEAM Education for the Astro Science Challenge, shares her tips for making science come alive and encouraging children to explore science-based subjects away from the classroom.
Hands-on maths: how it could help your child
Counting on fingers is an important maths tool in the early years of primary school, but is it something your child should outgrow? We look at the pros and cons of hands-on maths strategies.
School starting age and deferred entry explained for parents
When does your child legally have to start their education, and what happens if you don't think they’re ready? We explain the rules around your child’s first day at primary school in England.
What is a faith school?
They’re some of the best-performing schools in the UK, but faith schools have many opponents. We take a look at the faith school system and how it works.
What is a teaching assistant?
Far from being just an extra person to buy an end-of-term gift for, teaching assistants (TAs) can play an important part in your child’s learning. We explain what their role involves and how they'll help in the classroom.
Reading series: how they help your child
They might make you want to weep with boredom, but reading collections could have some big benefits for your newly-confident reader. We explain how they're written, why they appeal to kids and how to use them as a launching-pad for a lifetime of reading.
Museums reviewed by parents: Down House
Down House, the family home of Victorian scientist Charles Darwin, offers a unique insight into one of the world's greatest thinkers. Visit to stand in the study where Darwin wrote 'On the Origin of Species', stroll through beautiful gardens and find out more about the theory of evolution. Our family testers share their tips for a great day out in rural Kent.
What is a maintained school?
The vast majority of primary schools in England are maintained schools, but what does it actually mean if your child goes to one of these schools?
What is an NQT?
All Newly Qualified Teachers have to do on-the-job training to be able to teach in state schools, but what does it actually mean for your child to be taught by an NQT?
Primary school assessment in Scotland explained
The Scottish National Standardised Assessments are online standardised assessments in literacy and numeracy completed by children in Scotland in P1, P4, P7 and S3. We explain what parents need to know about the SNSAs.
Beat your first day of school nerves
You've prepared your child for their first day at school, but how will YOU hold it together at the school gates? We've rounded up the best advice on how to cope with this emotional milestone.
Ofsted inspections explained for parents
Reading Ofsted reports is likely to be one of the first things you do when you’re choosing a school for your child, but what do the inspections actually involve?
14 of the best books for children for summer 2015
Make this the summer when your child journeys to ancient Rome, becomes a secret agent, takes to the high seas, finds out about England's past, solves a mystery and discovers the delights of Mr Benn... all without leaving the sofa! From kids' classics to brand-new adventures, we've got 14 brilliant books for your children to lose themselves in over the 2015 summer holiday.
Starting school: what Year 6 parents think you should know
What tips would experienced Year 6 parents pass on to families whose children are just about to start Reception? Lucy Dimbylow asked seasoned mums for their pearls of wisdom on surviving – and enjoying! – the primary-school journey.
Speaking and listening skills for SEN kids: parents' tips
Communicating effectively is hard for all of us, but children with special educational needs can find it particularly challenging. Help them practise their skills and boost their confidence with practical communication tips from parents from the disability charity Scope’s online community.
What is PPA time?
All teachers are entitled to time out of the classroom to prepare and mark lessons. We explain how it works and how it affects your child.
9 secrets of stress-free school mornings
Do you ever feel like a stuck record, shouting instructions at your child in an attempt to leave the house on time? We reveal the tactics that could transform your morning routine.
Five fun maths activities to try at home
From board games to baking, we’ve rounded up the best ways to get your child practising their maths skills without even realising.
What is a class rep?
Volunteering as class rep is a great way to help your child's school and get to know other parents. We explain what the role involves.
Making friends and play for SEN kids: parents' tips
Making friends and learning how to play are an important part of growing up, but it can be hard for children with special educational needs to learn crucial social skills such as how to share and interact, how to take turns and how to negotiate with others. Help your child find kindred spirits with practical friendship tips from parents from the disability charity Scope’s online community.
Positive mental health tips for parents of SEN children
If your child has special educational needs it can be particularly hard to identify mental health difficulties. Help them express their feelings and cope with life's ups and downs more effectively with these practical tips from parents from the disability charity Scope’s online community.
Museums reviewed by parents: Old Operating Theatre, London
Found – the perfect London museum for older kids looking for something beyond the much-loved but well-worn round of Science and Natural History Museums. A dip into the history of all things surgical, the Old Operating Theatre Museum is a hidden scientific gem in a historic corner of the capital which will keep inquisitive minds entertained for hours.