Compare and order fractions
How do you compare and order fractions with the same denominator?
Comparing fractions involves determining which fraction is larger or smaller. If the denominators are the same, as they are in this worksheet, you can simply compare the numerators; the fraction with the largest numerator is greater.
For instance, 5/8 is greater than 3/8, because 5 is greater than 3.
How will this fractions worksheet help my child?
By comparing and ordering the fractions in this worksheet, your child will begin to understand how fractions work and have the opportunity to practise ordering fractions of varying sizes.
They will need to cut out all the fractions and then put them into groups where each fraction has the same denominator. Then they must put each group into ascending order, from smallest to largest.
You can use this activity to challenge your high-achieving child or to build the confidence of those who are less sure.
For more fractions activities, check out our comprehensive collection of resources in our Fractions Learning Journey.