Finding half and a quarter of an amount
How to find a fraction of an amount
Finding fractions of a quantity involves breaking the quantity into equal parts, where the fraction represents how many of those parts you want. To do this, first, identify the fraction you're working with. For instance, if you want to find a quarter (1/4) then you will need to divide the quantity into four parts. If the quantity, or total, is 100, then you need to divide 100 into four parts (25).
How will this worksheet help my child learn to find fractions of an amount?
This colourful, teacher-created worksheet will help your child to find half or a quarter of an amount by giving them visual maths problems to solve. Using the footballs, your child will be able to understand how to find the fraction of the total amount and build their confidence. has plenty of fractions resources to help support learning at home.
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