Great Grammar Games
Sorting main clauses from subordinate clauses and verbs from adverbs can be a challenge for children, parents and even some teachers! Primary grammar can be straightforward and even fun if presented in the right way, though – and who wouldn't want a Grammar Gator as a guide? Our 112-page learning pack will help you get the key vocabulary and concepts clear in your own mind, as well as providing you with a huge selection of print-out games to play with your child to help consolidate what they've been learning at school. Written by primary school teacher James Wrafter, Great Grammar Games offers all the information and tools you need to make grammar learning fun. It's also the perfect resource to help KS2 children prepare for the Y6 SATs Grammar, Punctuation and spelling test.
In your Great Grammar Games learning pack you'll find:
- A parents' introduction to primary grammar
- A glossary to explain the tricky vocabulary
- 30+ worksheets and games to put the theory into practice
Subjects covered include:
- Nouns (common, proper and abstract)
- Collective nouns
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Articles (definite and indefinite)
- Prepositions
- Connectives
- Sentence purposes (statement, question, command, exclamation)
- Subject and object
- Main, subordinate and embedded clauses
- Simple, compound and complex (multi-clause) sentences
- Phrases
- The active and passive voice
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