Key Stage 2 - 2005 English SATs Papers
These papers make up the 2005 English SATs exam for Key Stage 2.
The test includes the following papers:
• Reading Answer Booklet
• Reading booklet
• Writing Test
• Writing Test answer booklet
• Spelling Test
The test papers have been merged into one easy download for you. You can also download the answers and marking scheme to look through your child's work, correct it and identify the areas they find challenging.
These are "old-style" SATs papers and don't reflect the new curriculum, though they can be used to help your child practise completing tests.
For more information and advice about KS2 SATs:
- Read through our SATs preparation plans and revision tips
- Find out about how KS2 SATs in their current format
- See the details of the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test, part of the KS2 English SATs since 2013
KS1 SATs: advice and past papers for Y2 parents
For information about SATs for Y2 children read our beginner's guide, Your KS1 SATs questions answered.
KS2 SATs past papers to download
To download more KS2 SATs official past papers, browse through our free Y6 SATs maths past papers and free Y6 SATs English past papers.