Key Stage 2 is one of the most important periods in your child’s education. It’s in these school years that your child is introduced to some of the core learning concepts that they need to master before secondary school. They’ll review and consolidate learning done throughout primary school and be tested frequently to check that they are acquiring and retaining the right information.
It’s really important that your child doesn’t miss the opportunity to attain these new skills and fall behind their peers. For children who struggle with certain areas (and most children find some things trickier than others), it’s vital you are able to review with them at home and ensure they have grasped the concept before the class moves on.
Similarly, for children who are quick to learn, you’ll want to be able to challenge and stretch them at home; given current class sizes, teachers don’t normally have the time to set separate work for gifted children so it’s up to parents to stimulate their child’s interest at home.
Whether your child is struggling, jumping ahead, or you just want to check they are right on track, you can boost their child's confidence throughout Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 with TheSchoolRun Key Stage 2 Book Bundle.
There are 3 of our best-selling books in the bundle. Maths Homework Helper covers all the core maths topics, from the basics of addition and subtraction to multiplication, division, working with measures, shape and space, and handling data. Grammar Made Easy gives you confidence in the grammar basics so you’re fully prepared to help your child and Spelling Made Magic – our best-selling eBook - is packed with tips and tricks to help your child master this literacy essential.
What you will receive in your Key Stage 2 Book Bundle:
- Maths Homework Helper (eBook)
- Grammar Made Easy (eBook)
- Spelling Made Magic (eBook)
Was £39.97 Now £19.99 50% saving!
Maths Homework Helper (eBook)
Maths is a core skill within the primary national curriculum. As we use maths every day, it is also a vital skill for life.
Maths Homework Helper works in two ways. Firstly, it collates the main topics your child will need to know. Secondly, it acts as a refresher course for you, so you can revisit, and understand, just what your child is learning during class time.
Covering the crucial topics of using numbers, measures, shape and space and data handling, you and your child will be able to learn, understand and use maths skills in everyday situations.
There are also helpful rules to remember, a jargon-busting guide to key maths language, plus tips and ideas to help your child continue their learning away from their text books. With Maths Homework Helper you will never be stumped by your child's primary maths homework again!
Created by author, deputy head teacher and parent Matt Revill, this resource shows you how to tackle all the different topics your child will encounter (from addition and subtraction, to ratios and percentages) and get familiar with all the latest methods used in schools, including:
- Chunking
- The grid method
- Number bonds
- Carroll diagrams
- Number lines
- And more!
Whatever age or stage your child is at, it's reassuring to know that you have all the essential areas of maths under your belt, so you're ready to go if, and when, they call on you for help.
That’s exactly what this eBook gives you. Plus so much more.
Because knowing the answer isn’t enough.
You want to be able to show your child how to get there, so that they can grasp it, remember it and start flying through their work.
With a friendly, accessible tone that every parent or carer will understand, Maths Homework Helper clears up the ‘mystery’ around how numeracy is taught to children aged 4-11 today.
As a practising teacher, Matt knows exactly what your child might get mixed up on, so he’s able to explain how to go about resolving these problems with your child in easy-to-follow, manageable steps.
As your knowledge and confidence grows, you’ll find that this translates into a big boost for your child – and tops marks for both of you!
Grammar Made Easy (eBook)
This instant-download eBook covers all the key points that you and your child need to remember (plus the mistakes you need to avoid!), in a way that everyone can understand.
Once you’ve got your copy, you’ll be able to:
- Make sense of every grammar rule
- Boost your child’s ability to write and speak
- Play games and quizzes to reinforce learning
- Help your achieve great results in their English SATs
- Set them up for success with foreign languages
You don’t need to be an expert to help your child to become confident in English.
You can get brilliant game-based activities that’ll make your child’s grammar learning trouble-free. All the resources needed for these games – blank cards, score cards and so on – are in a handy Resources section towards the end of your book, and you can print them out as many times as you need.
Checklists of learning aims for each area will also help you to track your child’s progress, so you’ll know precisely when they have nailed each area.
But the real beauty of Grammar Made Easy is that you can use it in the way that best suits you and your child. Dip in and out of the chapters on the area they need help on most, or simply go over what they’ve learned in class that day.
If your child is feeling confident and wants to try tackling some more complex grammar and punctuation, then that’s okay too!
The biggest benefit of all is that you will be able to use it to assist your child in developing great writing and speaking habits through every stage of their education. This isn’t a book you’ll be finished with at the end of Year 6.
Your child can use it themselves when doing their homework in secondary school, or for refreshing their skills for essay writing and exams.
It offers years of essential support – all in one super simple guide. There isn’t another guide out there that encourages a child to develop a natural enthusiasm and confidence with grammar like this does.
Spelling Made Magic (eBook)
Spelling Made Magic is built around short, game-like activities for you and your child to enjoy together.
With 20 years of experience of helping children to engage with literacy learning, author Clare Winstanley has learnt how to tap in to help any child learn spelling using the multi-sensory opportunities all around us.
“Multi-sensory what?”
Multi-sensory learning is exactly what the name suggests. It's using many senses to learn something.
Traditionally, we think of teaching as very much, "listen to me." But estimates state that only 8% of school-age children learn from listening! Significantly more are kinesthetic learners (that means learning from doing something physical!) And most of our kids (indeed most of us!) learn through a mixture of all our senses.
The beauty of Clare's Spelling Made Magic is that her multi-sensory (lots of senses) approach ensures that within one particular topic, one piece of work, you'll be using as many senses as possible to help your child to learn.
Clare's is a proven technique and this is one of our best-selling eBooks. These techniques have previously been the preserve of the pupils (many through expensive private tutoring) who have been lucky enough to benefit from learning with Clare. Now you have the chance to share them with your child.
Maths Homework Helper
“I found Maths Homework Helper a fantastic resource to use with my daughter. It was clear and concise. The examples and vocabulary sections helped my daughter feel more confident to work independently, and I found the sectioning of the articles a great help in keeping her focused on the task in hand.” - Caren Williamson
Spelling Made Magic
“Spelling Made Magic is a wonderful, effective and above all, fun way of helping children learn to spell. Clare Winstanley has produced a super array of novel and engaging ideas to tackle a huge variety of common spelling problems, including Spelling Sandwiches, acrostics and mnemonics. The key to the success of Spelling Made Magic for us was that it turns spelling into a fun challenge, rather than a dull, weekly chore. Phoebe was having so much fun playing the games and doing the activities, that it didn't even dawn on her that she was ‘doing spellings’, and I certainly won't be reminding her!” - Sara Harris, Mum, Bedfordshire