Key Stage 2 - Maths SATs Practice Papers
Work through our KS2 Maths SATs Practice Paper to help your child practise calculating are and perimeter, rounding numbers, money problems and drawing symmetrical shapes in preparation for the Y6 tests.
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These papers have been written in the style of SATs papers, to offer your child extra practice resources. From 2016, children in Year 2 will sit new SATs exams in English and maths to reflect the 2014 National Curriculum. These mock papers, available exclusively for TheSchoolRun subscribers, are based on the old SATs format and content, but can still be used to give your child valuable exam practice.
Download free KS2 maths SATs papers
To download official SATs past papers, used as the exam papers in 2003-2013, browse through our complete collection of KS2 SATs maths and English past papers.
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