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Non-verbal reasoning: Introduction to counting

Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Introduction to counting
11+ non-verbal reasoning worksheet created by an 11+ expert. Includes non-verbal reasoning examples and answers.
Keystage:  KS2, Year 5, 11 Plus

What is non-verbal reasoning in the 11+ exam?

Non-verbal reasoning assessments aim to evaluate your child's capacity for critical thinking and logical problem-solving, serving as a gauge of their mathematical aptitude and deductive reasoning skills. Through these tests, the examining body seeks to grasp your child's innate potential and intelligence rather than solely assessing their acquired knowledge.

What is an example of a non-verbal reasoning question?

Here is a simple example of a non-verbal reasoning question that you might come across in the 11+ exam: 

Question: Can you identify the odd shape out?

non-verbal example

Answer: It’s the hexagon, where the correct enclosed letter would be F (the sixth letter of the alphabet, as it has six sides).

For more support with non-verbal reasoning, check out our 11 Plus Programme, or try a new challenge such as our Non-verbal reasoning patterns worksheet.