Making sure your child has mastered the Year 6 maths syllabus is one of the most important things you can do to help your child achieve and exceed their targets through out their school life. The Parents’ Guide to Year 6 Maths can help you do just that, by giving you the confidence and knowledge to help your child with areas of the year 6 syllabus like geometry, fractions, or decimals.
A complete parents' guide to EVERYTHING your child will learn in Year 6 maths.
The Parents' Guide to Year 6 Maths will very quickly help you understand what's been going on in your child's lessons all these years – and better equip you for helping your child to really grasp their maths and get ahead in Year 6. (In fact, as Year 6 is mainly a revision year for all aspects of primary school maths, this book also works as the perfect reference book for parents of all KS2 children from Year 3 onwards.)
In six, plain-English chapters it will take you through everything your child will be learning and expected to be able to do this year.
- You will get an overview of the exact kind of sums, calculations and operations children are expected to be able to perform with whole and decimal numbers, percentages and fractions – as well as how they are taught to do them.
- You will learn exactly what they are expected to know about – and do with – shapes and measurements and data handling.
- You will also discover important little insights such as why you should not tell your child to move the decimal point when multiplying or dividing with decimals. (For instance, always remember to stress that it's the numbers that move and the decimal point stays locked.)
The Parents' Guide to Year 6 Maths includes 50 ideas for maths games to play with your child, as well as resource sheets which you can print again and again to help your child practise place value, column calculations, 2D and 3D shapes, Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams and more.
'[The Parents' Guide to Year 6 Maths] has been such a revelation and a revolution to me! Now I know exactly what I can do to help my daughter. It's also made me realise where I'd been going wrong! And the games are simply brilliant. I have to confess that my first thought was 'oh yeah, she'll never fall for that'. But she really loves playing the games. And I feel a lot better about my mothering skills!!' – Rebecca Ash