Our hugely popular SATs eBook is back in its seventh edition, covering the new SATs exam format introduced in May 2016.
SATs: Practice Makes Perfect has been written especially for all parents whose children are due to sit their SATs. In plain, straightforward language it tells you everything you need to know to help your child prepare for their exams, covering both Key Stage 1 and 2.
The workbook is divided into two parts.
The first part, written for parents, contains a complete guide to the optional KS1 SATs and the compulsory KS2 SATs, answering every question you may have about these important exams. By reading SATs: Practice Makes Perfect, you will learn all of this:
• What are SATs for?
• Who takes SATs and when are they taken?
• What happens if my child misses a test?
• What about SATS for children with special educational needs?
• How SATs work at each Key Stage
• Changes to SATs science testing
• What to expect from optional SATs at Key Stage 1
• What to expect from SATs at Key Stage 2
• How will my child's teacher help my child to prepare for SATs?
• Why are teacher assessments used?
• How can I help my child to prepare for SATs?
• Keeping SATs in perspective
• SATs Jargon Buster
• SATs revision tips and tricks
Here's what you get in the second part of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect:
- Key Stage 1 English: short activities to boost your child’s reading skills
- KS1 SATs English practice questions
- Key Stage 1 English: short activities to boost your child’s writing skills
- KS1 SATs English practice questions
- Key Stage 1 maths: short activities to boost your child’s numeracy skills
- KS1 SATs maths practice questions
- Key Stage 2 English: short activities to boost your child’s reading skills
- KS2 SATs English practice questions
- Key Stage 2 English: short activities to boost your child’s writing skills
- Key Stage 2 grammar: preparing for the SATs Punctuation, Spelling and Grammar test
- KS2 SATs English practice questions
- Key Stage 2 maths: short activities to boost your child’s numeracy skills
- Key Stage 2 maths practice questions
- KS2 science SATs practice questions
- TheSchoolRun study skills worksheets
Study skills worksheets
Many children find it hard to know how to study effectively. These worksheets have been created to teach your child this essential skill, which will not only be highly valuable in helping them do well in their SATs, but will set them up for life.
Sometimes, even the most capable children experience frustration at school and underachieve, even though they are naturally bright. This is not because they lack ability, but because they have not been shown how to develop study skills. Good study habits are vital for success at school. Knowing how to study effectively makes children feel competent and positive about their abilities. Developing good study skills allows children to realise that they can control how well they do in school and in life. Good study habits also lay the groundwork for successful work habits as an adult.
Our study skills worksheets help lay the groundwork for success not just in SATs, but in their every day schoolwork and beyond.
TheSchoolRun SATs Practice questions
Once your child is ready, they can start to get ready for their SATs using our exclusive practice questions.
Comprehensively covering both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, these practice questions will ensure your child is brimming with confidence as they walk into their SATs exam and will help your child do all of the following:
English – Key Stage 1
Write instructions
Write a story
Write a letter
Express an opinion
Improve their spelling
Understand and answer questions about a passage they've read
Grammar, punctuation and spelling
English – Key Stage 2
Understand and answer questions about a complex passage they've read
Write to persuade
Write to inform and explain
Grammar, punctuation and spelling
Maths – Key Stage 1
Addition and subtraction
Number bonds
Counting in 2s and 5s
Maths – Key Stage 2
Measurement and scales
Working with time and money
Science – practice questions for any child taking science test this year
Although Science SATs have been scrapped, your child will still be assessed by their teacher. You can use these questions to boost your child’s knowledge in readiness for this assessment.
By the time your child has worked his or her way through all these papers, with your support, they will be full of confidence and completely relaxed about their SATs.
"SATs can be stressful for all involved, but don't need to be. This excellent guide answered all of my questions, and understanding more made it less stressful for all of us, which is so important."
Sarah Rendle, parent and tester of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect
"This book gives a good introduction to the SATs process and how to support your child through them. It sets out what SATs are meant to achieve, and explains why they are such an educational controversy."
Elisabeth Clark, parent and tester of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect
“Being a very achievement-focused (and dare I say it, slightly pushy) mother, and not really knowing anything about the SATs, I think I was more concerned about them than my daughter was, and the school's constant entreaties not to worry didn't do much to set my mind at rest. Having read this book, and worked through a couple of the worksheets with my daughter, I feel much better informed, and my daughter is still happily looking forward to her 'fun tests' at school!”
Sara Harris, parent and tester of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect
“Having resources like the download practice papers help parents feel more in control, and confident that they are helping their child to do the best they possibly can.”
Ursula Muller, parent and tester of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect
“As a parent who has already been through SATs twice already, I don’t think anyone is an expert on them, so having information and materials available so readily to give a better understanding of what is going on is such a relief. It would have been so much easier when my first two did their SATs if something like this had been available to help. Being able to do worksheets with my child without any pressure, making them fun and knowing that she is learning is a huge bonus. There is a huge hole for parents needing information in this area, thank you for filling it!”
Linda High, parent and tester of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect
“I found it very useful and informative.”
Janey Freeman, parent and tester of SATs: Practice Makes Perfect