Help support your child's maths learning at home with a practical, targeted eBook. Multiplication topics covered include times tables, arrays, multiplication as repeated addition, worded problems, the grid method, partitioning, the long multiplication method and multiplying decimal numbers. As well as parents' notes on the theory your eBook contains lots of practical activities and games to help your child practise what they're learning at home.
Teach your child multiplication is a reference guide and home-teaching kit which will help you understand exactly what multiplication skills your child is expected to have mastered in each year of the primary school curriculum. Primary school teacher and parent Matt Revill has compiled information, tips and activities to ensure that you have the right information at your fingertips so you can quickly make sure your child has fully grasped and achieved each and every skill for their correct year group and using the same methods that they are taught (rather than confusing them with the one you were taught at school!). You'll be able to print off highly targeted and child-friendly fun worksheets to help them master each of the essential skills as they progress through school – in fun, five-minute sessions.
In Teach your child multiplication, you’ll discover:
- Why many children actually fail to grasp some of the basic concepts of multiplication and why a little extra support at home could quickly transform their overall ability and performance in maths.
- The vocabulary/terminology your child is being taught at school, so you can use the same concepts at home.
- An explanation of the methods they’re taught to use so you don’t end up doing more harm than good by trying to teach them in a different way.
- Simple games that you can use even during a trip to the supermarket to make them fluent with multiplication skills.
- Why it is so important to talk to your child about their learning so that they understand that feeling nervous or confused about maths is normal and something you can overcome together.
- What children are taught
- The steps of multiplication
- Key multiplication vocabulary
- General tips to help your child
Learning the times tables
- Strategies to help them stick
- Times tables practice sheets
Multiplication stories
- Introduction to worded problems
Worksheets and games
- Multiplication in Reception
- Multiplication in Y1
- Multiplication in Y2
- Multiplication in Y3
- Multiplication in Y4
- Multiplication in Y5
- Multiplication in Y6
- Worksheet answers
'I like the format of Teach your child multiplication.The pages are not over complicated. The progression through is well structured with lots of opportunity for over learning without being too repetitive, and it is interspersed with games. It is easy to back track to find the child's starting point or can be used from the beginning to boost confidence as they see themself moving through the pages quickly. Ideas from earlier steps can be used to give practice at later ones if confusions arise.' – Zoe, Shropshire
'Teach Your Child Multiplication is another really useful publication that I will refer to many times.’ – Claire, Crouch End, London