Time connectives in an instruction text
Here are some step-by-step instructions to making a cup of tea. The time connectives are missing – can you choose the right ones from the box at the bottom and fill them in?
What are time connectives in KS2?
A time connective is a word or phrase that helps show when something happens in a story or a sentence. It helps to make writing clearer by linking events in the right order. This way, your child can tell stories or explain things in a way that makes sense and is easy to follow.
What is an example of a time connective?
Here are five examples of time connectives that KS2 children will come across:
- First
- Next
- Then
- After
- Finally
What are time connectives called in the National Curriculum?
Time connectives are sometimes referred to as adverbs of time, because they also function as adverbs and provide information about when something happens.
How will this KS2 time connectives worksheet help your child?
This KS2 time connectives worksheet was created by an experienced educator to help your child practise their time-connectives knowledge. It is a fun activity that is easy to follow and will help embed your child's learning and build their confidence in using time connectives.
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