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6 times table timed test

6 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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7 times table timed test

7 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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8 times table timed test

8 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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9 times table timed test

9 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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11 times table timed test

11 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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12 times table timed test

12 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Adding and subtracting shapes

Non-verbal reasoning: Adding and subtracting shapes

In non-verbal reasoning questions you’ll often be asked to look for objects that have been added to or subtracted from a figure. It’s basically a more advanced, grown-up version of the Spot the
difference puzzles you probably completed when you were younger! Apply your figure-adding and -subtracting skills to these practical exercises.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Coding features of diagrams

Non-verbal reasoning: Coding features of diagrams

This non-verbal reasoning activity is a beginner’s guide to cryptography. Fancy trying your hand at a few fiendishly tricky codes? Let’s put your code-breaking skills into practice!
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Completing a series

Non-verbal reasoning: Completing a series

Sequence or series questions test your understanding of the rules on which the sequences are built. With plenty of practice you’ll begin to see shapes within shapes and understand how sequences evolve. Find the figure that comes next in these sequences.
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Non-verbal reasoning worksheet: Counting sides, symbols and more

Non-verbal reasoning: Counting sides, symbols and more

Non-verbal reasoning is all about understanding sequences of shapes and patterns. You might be looking for similarities or differences between different figures. Alternatively, you might be given a series of figures and asked to complete the sequence with another figure. In this series of exercises, the first two shapes are related by a specific feature they have in common. Choose the one figure from the five choices that is most like the two figures on the left.
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