Money maths worksheets
Free worksheets: Money maths, KS2
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Column addition: money
When your child is adding up money their column addition skills are vital. Get some practice in with this simple puzzle.
Adding up shopping lists
Have your child work out how much money these four people spent on their shopping.
Convert pence into pounds
Help your child understand decimal placement by rewriting these pence amounts as pounds.
Solving subtraction money problems
Number sentences involving different amounts of money, which children need to use the column method to subtract.
Solving money word problems using division
Help your child practice their division skills by working through these money word problems
Using decimal notation (addition)
It's your birthday! You want to have a party, but how much will it all cost? Work out the sums from the price list on the worksheet.
Money problems: Calculating unit costs
Have your child work out how much individual items cost from the bulk rate given on the worksheet.
Adding up shopping lists
Have your child work out how much money these four people spent on their shopping.
Money word problems: Subtraction
Work out the answers to these money word problems by using subtraction
Calculating change
Work out how much change will you get from a £2 coin after buying different items.
Money word problems: Addition
Practise adding amounts of money together in this word problem worksheet.
Using addition to solve money word problems
Stretch your child's addition skills by having them work through these word problems about money.
Coin addition challenge
A fun game to help your child become more confident about adding up different coin amounts.
Recognising coins: 1p to £2
Draw lines to match the coins on this worksheet with the toys you could buy with them.
Ordering coins according to value
Cut out these paper coins, then practise ordering them from largest to smallest, and vice versa.
Add 1p more
Help your child become familiar with money from their Reception year with this worksheet which practises simple addition (add one).
Identify the value of different coins
This money worksheet will help your child to recognise and become more familiar with coins. It is aimed at Year 1 pupils and is ideally done with a parent or carer.
Column addition story problems
Real-life word problems, useful for practising adding amounts of money.
5x and 10x table practice
A worksheet designed to help your child practise their 5 and 10 x table involving money.
Column addition: money
When your child is adding up money their column addition skills are vital. Get some practice in with this simple puzzle.
Doubling a number
This worksheet asks your child to solve word problems involving doubling with the help of pictures of coins.