Space and shape worksheets
Free worksheets: Space and shape, KS2
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3D shapes matching
Can you match these shapes with the correct definitions?
Mirror line colouring
Can you colour the squares so that each side of the picture is an exact mirror image?
Sorting regular and irregular shapes
Regular shapes have equal-length sides and all the internal angles are equal. Can you cut out the shapes and sort them into the Venn diagram? Then draw a circle around the regular shapes and write a definition of an irregular shape.
Reflecting, rotating and translating shapes
A KS2 maths worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child understand reflecting, rotating and translating shapes.
Can you draw this shape’s reflection in the mirror line?
Can you draw this shape’s reflection in the mirror line?
Opening shapes to make nets
Can you make a net from an old cereal box and an old Toblerone box? Then see if you can use these nets to make some 3D shapes.
Colour the shapes
Can your child recognise a square, triangle or circle? Look at the different shapes together and ask them to colour them in.
On, under, beside, in front
Teach your child the correct vocabulary to describe location with this worksheet. Where are the cat and the dog - on, under, beside or in front of the table?
Clockwise and anti-clockwise
Worksheet with circular diagrams for your child to add arrows demonstrating clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Spatial awareness vocabulary
Help your child learn and use the correct words when they are describing where things are. Is an object below, in or on another object?
Directions hide-and-seek
A game for children to play that encourages their ability to describe where objects are and give directions.