Eyfs English worksheets
Free worksheets: Word puzzles, EYFS, Reception
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/Sh/ and /ch/ words Snap (Phase 3 phonics)
A free Phase 3 phonics game created by an experienced teacher to help your child practise their Phase 3 phonics learning. This printable activity covers /Sh/ and /Ch/ words in a simple game of Snap.
Wordsearch: the /oo/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)
Look at the /oo/ words below. Can you read them out loud? These words are all jumbled up in this wordsearch. Can you find them? Put a tick next to each word that you find.
Summer holiday wordsearch
Can you find the words in our summer holiday wordsearch?
Match the Christmas tree rhymes
Can you put the rhyming presents under the Christmas trees? Cut out the presents and stick them under the Christmas tree so that the presents rhyme with the item in the star.
Make snow dough
Let it snow with this fun sensory activity! Are you ready to make your own snow? Follow these instructions and then play to your heart’s content.
Make egg box poppies
Let's make some beautiful egg box poppies for Remembrance Day.
Make a hedgehog and complete a story
Today you are going to create a character for a story of your own. You can then decide what your character does in the story. Get ready for some prickly fun!
The Enormous Turnip: read and respond
Read the story of “The Enormous Turnip’ to your little learner, then cut out the story characters and retell the story.
Phonics taster pack
Introduce your child to phonics sounds with TheSchoolRun's FREE Phonics taster pack. You'll find phonics sounds mats and five games to play with Reception and Year 1 children, all designed to boost their confidence with phonics learning and help them practise their skills the fun way.
Reading comprehension: the /ow/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)
Practise the /ow/ sound with this reading comprehension – read the passage with your child and then ask them the questions that follow.
Reading comprehension: the /oo/ and /oo/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)
Practise spotting words with ‘oo’ in them with this reading comprehension. Read the passage with your child and then ask them the questions that follow.
Reading comprehension: the /oi/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)
Practise the /oi/ sound with this reading comprehension – read the passage with your child and then ask them the questions that follow.
Reading comprehension: the /ai/ sound (Phase 3 phonics)
Practise the /ai/ sound with this reading comprehension – read the passage with your child and then ask them the questions that follow.
Reception exception words flashcards
These colourful flashcards include exception words that Reception children need to learn. They were created by a teacher to assist with learning at home.
Reception exception words bingo
Let's play bingo! Each player chooses six exception words to write on their bingo board then take it in turns to pick a card and read it out. The other player checks to see if the word is on their bingo mat, crossing it out if they do. The winner is the person to cross all their words out first.
Exception words speed sorting
Let's try some exception words speed sorting! Cut out the word cards and shuffle them. How fast can you sort them into the correct space in the table, based on the number of letters in the word?
Exception word picture cylinders
Exception words are words in which the English spelling code works in an unusual or uncommon way. Read these exception words then get out your scissors and glue! We are going to make some word and picture cylinders.
Number formation 6 to 10
Once you have mastered writing numbers from 1 to 5, it’s time to begin your training to write the numbers 6 to 10. Can you complete these three ninja tasks?
Number formation 1 to 5
Now you recognise the numbers 1 to 5, it’s time to become a number writing ninja! Count the ninja to see which number you are writing, then trace over the dotted numbers. When you have ninja-trained your fingers, try writing some of your own numbers.
Missing letter or sound challenge
Using letter arrow cards, can you work out which sound could go in the blank arrow in these words?
Make words using arrow cards
Can you spell these words? Using a set of letter arrow cards, write the word that represents each picture. How many did you get right?
Letter arrow cards
Free letter arrow cards created by an experienced educator to help children practise putting sounds together and forming some words.
Letter arrow cards rhyming words
Fancy a game of Rhyming Words? Take it in turns to choose a card, then see how many rhyming words you can make. The player with the most rhyming words wins that round.