Ks1 Maths worksheets
Free worksheets: Weights and measurements, KS1
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Using non-standard measures: length
Let's get measuring. Look at your hand. Stretch it out as big as it can go. The distance from your thumb to your little finger is called your hand span. Go around your house finding things that are smaller and things that are larger than your hand span. Write them in these circles.
Comparing weights
A Year 2 maths worksheet created by a teacher to help your child learn how to compare weights of two household objects to see which is the heaviest.
Measurement terms around the house
Cut out the cards. Put some Blu Tack on the back of them, then go on a measurement trail around your house. What items could be described by the words? Stick your cards on them!
Measurement trail around the house
Rulers at the ready! Find things around the house for each measurement and fill in the chart.
Make reasonable estimates
This mathematics worksheet will help your child to estimate, measure using a ruler and gain an understanding of centimetres.
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Incomplete number sequences for your child to fill in, helping them practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Estimating and checking times
This fun maths worksheet will help your child to estimate and check times using a simple timer, watch or clock.
Odd and even: sorting pairs
Sort the socks! These socks have got all muddled up. Can you sort them into pairs? Are there any left over? An excellent worksheet for counting in twos and odd and even numbers.
Add and subtract numbers game
This maths problem will help your child to practise adding and subtracting numbers mentally.
Practise measuring capacity
This mathematics download will help your child to practise the vocabulary associated with capacity, eg. 'This container holds more water than that container'. It is aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils and a parent or carer should help the child.
Metric measurements
This mathematics worksheet will help your child to practise matching the full names and abbreviations of common standards of measure with the things we use to measure.
Number bonds: pairs to ten
Your child can practice pairs - or should that be 'pears' to 10 with this fruity worksheet? How many different ways can the fruit be arranged in the pink and blue bowls?
Adding and subtracting numbers under 10
This printable download will help your child to practise number bonds to 10 and working with the number system. It is suitable for children at Year 1 level and a parent or carer can supervise.
Wordsearch: length or distance
This wordsearch activity will help your child to identify the words we use to talk about length.
Double and halve a number
Worksheet to help children practise doubling and halving numbers with the use of pictures.
Guess the weight competition
This numeracy download will help your child to become familiar with the approximate weight of different objects, practise recording weights using appropriate symbols and to organise and run a 'guess the weight' competition.
Measure objects in your home
Children will love the challenge of this practical worksheet/ activity designed to improve measuring and estimating ability. How many units of measurement can they think of, and how many household items can they measure?
Learning about symmetry
This Year 2 maths download will help your child to recognise reflective symmetry in familiar 2D shapes and patterns.
Measuring time accurately
This worksheet is suitable for the Key Stage 1 level and will help your child to learn how to make estimates and use timing devices such as watches and clocks.
Find 3D shapes in your home
An activity to do at home, consisting of cutting out the names of 3D shapes and then labelling relevant objects at home.
Wordsearch - Identify words associated with time
Use this fun wordsearch to help develop your child's vocabulary with words associated with time.
Match up the number bonds to 10
You child will be able to identify the pairs of numbers that make ten with this number bonds worksheet.
Learn the names of shapes
This Year 1, Key Stage 2 maths download will help your child identify shapes in the world around them, as well as introducing the concept of tessellating shapes.