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Ks1 Reading comprehension worksheets

Year 2 reading comprehension: The Magic Lamp

Reading comprehension: The Magic Lamp

This Year 2, KS1 reading comprehension PDF was created by an experienced teacher to help your primary school child develop their English skills.

Read this story about a magic land and then see if you can answer the questions afterwards.
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Year 2 reading comprehension: Pond habitats

Reading comprehension: Pond habitats

Read this text about pond habitats and then see if you can answer the questions below.
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Year 1 reading comprehension: Lucy’s first day

Reading comprehension: Lucy’s first day

Read this story about Lucy's first day of school then answer the questions below.
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Reading comprehension: How to make a healthy salad

Reading comprehension: How to make a healthy salad

Have a go at this reading comprehension – and learn how to make a delicious salad too!
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Reading comprehension: The New Girl

Reading comprehension: The New Girl

Can you read this story with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember. then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Hare and the Tortoise

Reading comprehension: The Hare and the Tortoise

Here is the story of The Hare and the Tortoise. Can you read it with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember and then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Cat and the Mouse

Reading comprehension: The Cat and the Mouse

Here is the story of The Cat and the Mouse. Can you read it with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Birthday Party

Reading comprehension: The Birthday Party

Can you read this story with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember and then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: My Little Brother

Reading comprehension: My Little Brother

Can you read this poem with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: Cinderella

Reading comprehension: Cinderella

Here is part of the story of Cinderella. Can you read it with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Camping Holiday

Reading comprehension: The Camping Holiday

Can you read this story with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: Greedy Goldilocks

Reading comprehension: Greedy Goldilocks

A simple writing activity to help your child practise the question and answer format of reading comprehension work. They'll also need to draw a picture to show they understand what greedy Goldilocks is doing in the text.
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Retelling a story worksheet

Retelling a story

As reading becomes easier your child will be able to reflect on story events and sequences more. Help them reflect on stories they enjoy with this worksheet, aimed at Y1 reader and writers.
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Reading comprehension: Swimming class worksheet

Reading comprehension: Swimming class

Read this short passage about going to swimming lessons, then answer questions based on the text.
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Reading comprehension practice: Growing vegetables worksheet

Reading comprehension practice: Growing vegetables

With this worksheet, have your child answer questions after reading about how to grow their own vegetables.
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First reading comprehension worksheets

First reading comprehension

Use this teacher-created reading comprehension activity to help your child with reading aloud and answering questions on a text.
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Engaging With English cover

Engaging With English

Created by an early years education expert, the Engaging with English pack will provide you with lively and original ideas to help bring four popular children’s books vividly to life. Whether your child is in the EYFS or KS1 these activities are the perfect starting point for turning book-shy children into bookworms.
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