Farmer Florence has a lot of crops to sell at the market. Can you help Florence put the crops in order of size?
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What did you do today? Let's talk about our daily routine. What is the first thing you do every day? What do you do in the morning, afternoon and night?
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Playdough sausages, drawing an octopus, counting passengers on a bus – discover lots of activities to help your child learn the numbers 8 and 9.
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Are you a whizz at the numbers 1 to 5? Let’s have a look at 6 and 7.
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Do you know the numbers 3 and 4? Try these fun activities to help you recognise these numbers.
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The first numbers you will come across at school are the numbers 1 and 2. Here are lots of activities to help you learn to spot these numbers.
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The number ten is the first number with two digits! It is made up of the digits 1 and 0. Here are some activities to help you recognise the number 10.
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After 1, 2, 3 and 4 comes the number 5! Can you spot the number 5 on a clock? Can you write the number 5 on a birthday card?
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Shapes are all around us! Do you recognise any of these shapes? Can you find them in your house? What shapes can you see in this picture of a house?
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Now you can count and recognise numbers, you can start to solve puzzles using the numbers 1 to 6.
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Practise solving real-world problems to help you with your maths work when you get to school. Collect some teddies and some cookie counters (or some real cookies!) and do some problem-solving!
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Play the Five Little Ducks game to help your child practise counting and number recognition.
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Can you count the shapes, then match each shape to the correct number?
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Can you cut out the images on the page to continue each pattern? Then help Sammy, who has been trying to make a pattern with her toys but has made a mistake.
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This game will help you to recognise the numbers 1 to 5 and give you a chance to practise counting.
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Today you are going on a bit of an adventure! Let's go on a walk and take photos of things we see on the way. Then, when we get home, let's see if we can remember the order the photos go in.
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Can you match the pictures to their shadows in this game of objects and shadows pairs?
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Recognising the difference between numbers and letters can help you when you get to school, so today you are going on a number hunt!
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Once you have mastered writing numbers from 1 to 5, it’s time to begin your training to write the numbers 6 to 10. Can you complete these three ninja tasks?
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Now you recognise the numbers 1 to 5, it’s time to become a number writing ninja! Count the ninja to see which number you are writing, then trace over the dotted numbers. When you have ninja-trained your fingers, try writing some of your own numbers.
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