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Important update from TheSchoolRun

For the past 13 years, TheSchoolRun has been run by a small team of mums working from home, dedicated to providing quality educational resources to primary school parents. Unfortunately, rising supplier costs and falling revenue have made it impossible for us to continue operating, and we’ve had to make the difficult decision to close. The good news: We’ve arranged for another educational provider to take over many of our resources. These will be hosted on a new portal, where the content will be updated and expanded to support your child’s learning.

What this means for subscribers:

  • Your subscription is still active, and for now, you can keep using the website as normal — just log in with your usual details to access all our articles and resources*.
  • In a few months, all resources will move to the new portal. You’ll continue to have access there until your subscription ends. We’ll send you full details nearer the time.
  • As a thank you for your support, we’ll also be sending you 16 primary school eBooks (worth £108.84) to download and keep.

A few changes to be aware of:

  • The Learning Journey weekly email has ended, but your child’s plan will still be updated on your dashboard each Monday. Just log in to see the recommended worksheets.
  • The 11+ weekly emails have now ended. We sent you all the remaining emails in the series at the end of March — please check your inbox (and spam folder) if you haven’t seen them. You can also follow the full programme here: 11+ Learning Journey.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for being part of our journey it’s been a privilege to support your family’s learning.

*If you need to reset your password, it will still work as usual. Please check your spam folder if the reset email doesn’t appear in your inbox.

Year 3 Maths worksheets

8 times table number sentences worksheet

8 times table number sentences

Can you complete these number sentences from the 8 times table? Fill in the craters with the correct number.
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8 times table matching challenge worksheet

8 times table matching challenge

In this 8 times table worksheet, have your child match the number sentences with the correct answers.
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8 times table as repeated addition worksheet

8 times table as repeated addition

Have your child learn their eight times table by breaking it down into addition number sentences.
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Cool Maths Games for kids learning pack

Cool maths games for kids

Add an extra learning dimension to family game time – try one of our Cool Maths board games and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play. Compiled by deputy headteacher Matt Revill and packed with 20 games, this maths learning pack covers all the key skills your child will need to master as part of the primary numeracy curriculum.
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Times tables speed grid activity

Times tables speed grid

Use this blank grid, created by one of our experienced teachers, to make up your own times tables game! See how quickly you can multiply numbers across the top and left, filling the entire grid with answers.
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Mastering money maths learning pack

Mastering money maths

Feeling confident about all aspects of money is a fundamental life skill, and it’s all about applying mathematical knowledge to pounds and pence. From simple addition and subtraction to division, multiplication and decimal calculations, help your child practise their money maths with games, activities and worksheets, as well as teachers’ tips to support financial learning at home. But beware – you might have to play shops (a lot!), as well as rewarding calculator challenges with pocket money bonuses!
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Counting notes and coins worksheet

Counting notes and coins

Have your child add up the coins in these different piggy banks.
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Money word problems: Subtraction worksheet

Money word problems: Subtraction

Work out the answers to these money word problems by using subtraction
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Calculating change worksheet

Calculating change

Work out how much change will you get from a £2 coin after buying different items.
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Fractions number problems worksheet

Fractions number problems

Help your child revise their fractions knowledge with a selection of story problems involving unit fractions.
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Find unit fractions of numbers worksheet

Find unit fractions of numbers

A fractions practice worksheet which asks your child to calculate 1/2, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/10 of numbers. Answers are provided.
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Fractions made simple learning pack

Fractions made simple

Foxed by fractions? Not any more! From the foundations of fractions learning in Reception to converting fractions to decimals and percentages in Year 6, our teacher-created learning pack explains everything your child needs to know in fractions. We'll break fractions down and show you, step by step, how to teach your primary school child fractions.
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Column addition story problems worksheet

Column addition story problems

Real-life word problems, useful for practising adding amounts of money.
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Communicating information with a bar chart

Communicating information with a bar chart

This maths worksheet will help your child to explore different ways of communicating information and asks them to draw a bar chart.
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Column addition working out worksheet

Column addition working out

A worksheet designed to prompt children to work out addition of three-digit numbers using the column method.
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Learning vocabulary related to time worksheet

Learning vocabulary related to time

Use these fun activities to help develop your child's knowledge of vocabulary related to time.
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Fractions and shapes worksheet

Fractions and shapes

A worksheet with pictorial representations of equivalent fractions for your child to work out and colour in.
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Problem solving using maths

Problem solving using maths

In this kids’ cooking activity children will need to think about different smoothie flavour combinations.
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The < and > symbols activity

The < and > symbols

An activity involving determining which number is bigger than the other and whether the correct symbol has been used.
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Fractions as division

Fractions as division

Help children link knowledge of division facts to their understanding of fractions with this helpful worksheet
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