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Important update from TheSchoolRun

For the past 13 years, TheSchoolRun has been run by a small team of mums working from home, dedicated to providing quality educational resources to primary school parents. Unfortunately, rising supplier costs and falling revenue have made it impossible for us to continue operating, and we’ve had to make the difficult decision to close. The good news: We’ve arranged for another educational provider to take over many of our resources. These will be hosted on a new portal, where the content will be updated and expanded to support your child’s learning.

What this means for subscribers:

  • Your subscription is still active, and for now, you can keep using the website as normal — just log in with your usual details to access all our articles and resources*.
  • In a few months, all resources will move to the new portal. You’ll continue to have access there until your subscription ends. We’ll send you full details nearer the time.
  • As a thank you for your support, we’ll also be sending you 16 primary school eBooks (worth £108.84) to download and keep.

A few changes to be aware of:

  • The Learning Journey weekly email has ended, but your child’s plan will still be updated on your dashboard each Monday. Just log in to see the recommended worksheets.
  • The 11+ weekly emails have now ended. We sent you all the remaining emails in the series at the end of March — please check your inbox (and spam folder) if you haven’t seen them. You can also follow the full programme here: 11+ Learning Journey.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for being part of our journey it’s been a privilege to support your family’s learning.

*If you need to reset your password, it will still work as usual. Please check your spam folder if the reset email doesn’t appear in your inbox.

Year 5 Physical processes worksheets

Build your own periscope

Understanding light reflection: Build your own periscope

Mirrors change the direction of light and reflect it. We can demonstrate this practically by making a periscope. Light is reflected from one object into a mirror and then onto the other mirror before reaching your eyes. Collect your materials and find out for yourself!
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Build your own balloon hovercraft

Understanding friction: Build your own balloon hovercraft

When a moving surface slides on a stationary surface it rubs against it, which slows it down. This is due to friction, a force which resists the movement of one object sliding past another. Understand more about friction with a fantastic practical project: make your own balloon hovercraft!
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Understand how day and night occur

Understand how day and night occur

An ingenious experiment that will demonstrate how day and night occur in simple terms.
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Gravity explained worksheet

Gravity explained

Deepen your child's understanding of gravity and offer an opportunity to illustrate that understanding.
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Forces investigation: comparing data worksheet

Forces investigation: comparing data

Results of an investigation involving forces for children to answer questions on.
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Friction investigation worksheet

Friction investigation

Help your child to plan an investigation into friction using the grid on this worksheet.
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The benefits of friction worksheet

The benefits of friction

Worksheet prompting your child to design a poster letting people know about the beneficial effects of friction.
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What is friction? worksheet

What is friction?

Worksheet with a list of statement about friction which children need to sort into 'correct' and 'incorrect' boxes.
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Comparative sizes of the Earth, sun and moon activity

Comparative sizes of the Earth, sun and moon

An activity for your child to try at home to help them get a clear understanding of the comparative sizes of and distances between the Earth, Sun and moon.
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The difference between solids, liquids and gases worksheet

The difference between solids, liquids and gases

Worksheet showing the difference between solids, liquids and gases and encouraging children to find objects and describe them.
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Learning about forces

Learning about forces

This science worksheet is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils and will help your child to develop their science skills by using first-hand experience to answer questions.
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Investigating floating and sinking activity

Investigating floating and sinking

Activity encouraging children to use objects around the home to demonstrate floating, sinking and the upthrust force of water.
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Can you separate solids from liquids worksheet

Can you separate solids from liquids?

This experiment helps children to understand that sometimes a solution of a solid and a liquid can be separated by evaporation.
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Non-reversible changes: burning worksheet

Non-reversible changes: burning

A worksheet to encourage children to think about how everyday objects change when they are lit or burnt.
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Reversible changes: heating and freezing activity

Reversible changes: heating and freezing

Some examples of changes made by heating or freezing. Children need to work out whether these are reversible or non-reversible. Some can be tested at home.
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Counting forces: experiment with a ball.

Counting forces: experiment with a ball

A fun way to introduce your child to the concept of gravity and its effect on objects.
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Understanding gravity worksheet

Understanding gravity

This worksheet encourages children to look at pictures and then express their understanding of gravity. There is an answer sheet to follow.
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Guess that sound

Guess that sound

In this entertaining activity your child will learn all about sounds.
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Observing forces - pushes and pulls

Observing forces – pushes and pulls

A fun worksheet that will help your child grasp the concept of forces.
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