Year 6 Maths worksheets
Free worksheets: Weights and measurements, KS2, Y6
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Calculating perimeters
A Year 5 and 6 printable worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child practise calculating perimeters.
To find the perimeter of a shape you must add up the lengths of each of the sides. Can your child calculate the perimeters of these common shapes?
To find the perimeter of a shape you must add up the lengths of each of the sides. Can your child calculate the perimeters of these common shapes?
Estimate volume
Look at these containers. Which do you think has the greatest volume? (Think about their real-life size by considering what is inside.) Put them in order from smallest to largest volume. Estimate the volume in cm3, then calculate the volume to see how accurate you were.
Ordering seven- and eight-digit numbers
Cut out the cards below. Can you put them in order, from smallest to largest?
Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying Roman numerals
Each pair of adjacent Roman numerals need to be multiplied to make the one on top.
Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying large numbers
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying fractions
Each pair of adjacent fractions needs to be multiplied to make the one on top.
Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying by 100 and 1000
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 6 number pyramids: adding fractions
Each pair of adjacent fractions needs to be added to make the one on top. The fractions all have different denominators, so you will need to use your knowledge of multiples to work out how to add them.
Year 6 number pyramids: adding decimals
Add the adjacent decimals together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Key Stage 2 - 2016 Maths SATs Papers
A complete set of official KS2 SATs maths papers from 2016. The past papers and answers and marking scheme can be downloaded for free from TheSchoolRun to offer at-home practice for the Y6 tests.
Using the chunking method with remainders
Can you remember how to use the chunking method to divide large numbers? Use this method to solve these tricky problems.
Using long division to divide
Do you remember how to use the long division method? Can you use the long division method to complete these calculations?
Using chunking to divide four-digit numbers
Chunking is using multiplication to help us divide. There is no one particular way to do each calculation, it is all about estimating, using your own knowledge of numbers. Can you use chunking to help you solve these problems?
Long division with remainders practice
The long division method is a fast way to divide numbers by two- or three-digit numbers. Can you use the long division method to solve these problems?
Division using chunking practice
Chunking uses multiplication to help us divide. It involves taking away chunks of the same size from the number (repeated subtraction) until we run out. Can you use chunking to solve these division problems?
Key Stage 2 - 2015 LEVEL 6 Maths SATs Papers
The official 2015 Level 6 KS2 maths SATs papers, free to download for at-home practice. Level 6 SATs were taken by very able children at the end of Year 6 between 2012 and 2015.
Key Stage 2 - 2015 Maths SATs Papers
A complete set of official KS2 SATs maths papers (levels 3-5) from 2015. The past papers and answers and marking scheme can be downloaded for free from TheSchoolRun to offer at-home practice for the Y6 tests.
KS2 maths SATs practice paper E
Make practice papers part of SATs revision with our mock KS2 maths tests, written in the style of the new Year 6 assessments. Available exclusively to TheSchoolRun subscribers.
KS2 maths SATs practice paper D
A complete KS2 SATs maths practice paper (Test D), written in the style of the 2016 test to offer at-home practice for Year 6 children.
KS2 maths SATs practice paper C
Arithmetic and problem-solving are the focus of the three KS2 SATs maths papers. A new-style test was introduced in May 2016; our subscriber-only practice papers have been designed to offer extra practice at home.
KS2 maths SATs practice paper B
Boost your child's confidence in the run-up to the KS2 SATs with our maths practice papers, written in the style of the official assessments and designed for at-home practice.
KS2 maths SATs practice paper A
A complete KS2 SATs maths practice paper (Test A), written in the style of the 2016 test to offer at-home practice for Year 6 children.