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Year 6 Science worksheets

Repeating experiments worksheet

Repeating experiments

This worksheet shows the results of somebody who has measured their heart rate. It gives questions to prompt children to use their investigative skills.
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Putting together a circuit worksheet

Putting together a circuit

This worksheet encourages children to think about how they would carry out an experiment into circuits. It requires them to draw a diagram using the correct symbols.
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Testing a hypothesis worksheet

Testing a hypothesis

A worksheet giving a hypothesis about the movements of the Sun and Earth. Children need to think about whether it is right or wrong and explain their reasoning.
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Reversible changes: solids and liquids activity

Reversible changes: solids and liquids

An activity to help your child understand that some solids can be separated from liquids by filtering.
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Develop questioning skills - traffic survey activity

Develop questioning skills - traffic survey

A worksheet to prompt children to carry out their own traffic survey and consider the answers collected.
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Understanding acids and decay activity

Understanding acids and decay

This fun activity helps children to understand that micro-organisms in our mouth are responsible for turning sugar to acid. It demonstrates the effect of acid on teeth by using an egg and some vinegar.
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Key Stage 2 - 2009 Science SATs papers

Key Stage 2 - 2009 Science SATs papers

This complete Science SATs papers pack will help your child to prepare for their science SATs test and assessments.
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Understanding circuits worksheet

Understanding circuits

A worksheet to help test children's knowledge of circuits. It also asks questions about fair testing and variables.
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Animals and their habitats worksheet

Animals and their habitats

This worksheet encourages children to investigate why certain animals are adapted to their habitats.
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Different forces in action worksheet

Different forces in action

This worksheet has pictures to prompt children into thinking about the different forces that are at work in everyday life. It also gives another sheet with explanations of the different forces.
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Dissolving solids in hot water activity

Dissolving solids in hot water

This experiment helps children to see clearly how some solids dissolve in hot water and some solids do not.
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Experimenting with circuits worksheet

Experimenting with circuits

This worksheet asks children to think about what difference extra bulbs or cells make to a circuit.
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Harmful micro-organisms worksheet

Harmful micro-organisms

This download prompts your child to think about the harmful micro-organisms that are killed by cleaning products.
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How animals are adapted to their habitat worksheet

How animals are adapted to their habitat

This worksheet encourages children to think about animals in the desert and research how they are adapted to life in that habitat.
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How fast do solids dissolve? activity

How fast do solids dissolve?

This activity encourages children to investigate at home which factors will make a difference to how fast a solid dissolves.
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Making your own compost activity

Making your own compost

This download explains the process of micro-organisms being useful in helping organic matter to decay. It then gives instructions on how to make your own compost.
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Super scientist quiz!

Super scientist quiz

Quiz questions to encourage your child to think about how scientists work and why they do the things they do.
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Mass and weight in air and water worksheet

Mass and weight in air and water

Children are asked to think about the difference between the weight of a spoon in water and the weight of a spoon in air.
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Key Stage 2 - 2004 Science SATs Papers

Key Stage 2 - 2004 Science SATs Papers

Download and print this complete set of Science SATs papers from 2004 to assist your child in preparing for the Y6 tests.
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Key Stage 2 - 2005 Science SATs Papers

Key Stage 2 - 2005 Science SATs Papers

Download and print this complete set of 2005 Science SATs papers to assist your child in preparing for the Y6 tests.
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