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Year 4 English Progress checks

Y4 English Progress checks, TheSchoolRun
Homophones, non-fiction texts, using paragraphs correctly and the possessive apostrophe – all part of the literacy curriculum for Y4. Check your child's understanding of key topics and identify any areas they need to practise and revise with our Y4 English Progress checks.
Keystage:  KS2, Year 4

Our Y4 English Progress checks, prepared by a KS2 teacher, have been written to help you support your child's learning at home.

The tests cover spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting and text-level work.

The Progress checks are designed to follow TheSchoolRun's Learning Journey for that particular term. Please note: they cannot and will not necessarily follow what your child’s teacher is doing at school this week / term, as teachers tend to choose to cover objectives in an order that they feel suits their class. Therefore, don’t worry if your child cannot complete certain questions; the point of the Progress checks is to help parents identify where children might need extra help and practice.

Y4 English objectives explained

By the end of the school year children should be confident with the following:

Y4 reading

  • applying their growing knowledge of root words and prefixes and suffixes to read and understand the meaning of new words
  • reading a range of fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction texts
  • re-telling stories orally
  • performing poems and play scripts, showing understanding through intonation and action
  • in reading comprehension, inferring characters' feelings though their actions, justifying their inference with evidence from the text
  • identifying the main ideas in a text and being able to summarise them

Y4 writing

  • understanding how to spell words with a variety of prefixes and suffixes
  • using the possessive apostrophe in words with regular plurals
  • using a wider range of connectives (when, before, after, while, so, because) in their writing
  • punctuating direct speech confidently
  • using fronted adverbials with commas (for example: Cautiously, she opened the door...)
  • becoming more confident in joining their handwriting, increasing its legibility and quality
  • creating settings, characters and plot in narratives using a range of descriptive language
  • using paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme
  • assessing and improving their writing by self-editing

For more information about what your child learns in Year 4 English read our parents' guide; you can also browse all our Y4 English worksheets or follow our Learning Journey for Y4 English.