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Exams and revision articles

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What is verbal reasoning?
Verbal reasoning tests are a key part of most secondary school selection and 11+ exams, as well as Year 7 CATs – but your child won’t necessarily be taught the skill at school. We explain just what verbal reasoning involves, and how you can help them prepare for their test.
Child writing
KS2 SATs in 2015: what parents need to know
KS2 SATs have changed completely over the last few years. We explain the process for 2015 and what the new plans are for the Y6 assessments, including the new KS2 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test, following Lord Bew's review.
Boy relaxing at the beach
5 ways to teach relaxation skills to your child
Knowing how to keep calm in emotionally difficult situations is an important life skill that’s never too early to learn. Even if you don’t feel you’ve mastered it yourself, you can still help your child manage their stress levels – and perhaps improve your own stress management in the process. Educational psychologist Lisa Gupta lends her top tips for parents.
Boy revising for KS1 SATs
Your KS1 SATs questions answered
KS1 SATs are no longer compulsory, but they may still be administered by some schools and it's likey that most parents have heard of them. We answer the questions whirling around in parents’ heads about what KS1 SATs are, if and when they’ll be administered, and how you can help your child reach their full potential.
Prepare for KS1 SATs and KS2 SATs
Start preparing for SATs today
Take the stress out of SATs by making honing your child’s skills as part of everyday home life.
Schoolgirls leaving school
Understanding SATs results
How are SATs marked, when will you see your child’s results and what do the marks mean? Moira Holden explains everything you need to know about the optional Y2 and compulsory Y6 SATs results.
Boy doing exam
Year 7 CATs: what every parent needs to know
You helped your child prepare for SATs, they took the tests and the results are in. So what are CATs and how do secondary schools use them? Moira Holden investigates.
Father and son homework time
How to use a SATs past paper: KS2 science
Although your child will no longer sit the KS2 SATs science test, you can still help them develop their skills by practising on a past paper together. Our teacher-tips guide explains how to administer the test at home.
Girl doing homework
How to use a SATs past paper: KS2 maths
Help your child get to grips with their KS2 maths SATs test format by completing past papers at home. Our parent's guide offers guidance on how to administer the test, from the equipment your child needs to what examiners are looking for to award top marks.
Bored girl
Boosting your child's concentration skills
Your guide to the special needs that can cause concentration difficulties and tips to help your child focus.
Mum reading a book with her son
What is a learning style?
What are learning styles and how might you hear about them during your child's primary school education?
Child working hard
Children's learning: How hard should you push your child?
Do you worry about getting the balance right between your children's learning and play? Read on for our advice.
KS2 SATs English helper
SATs revision: your KS2 SATs English helper
Boost your child's confidence before the Y6 English assessments with these handy tips and literacy activities that you and your child can work on together.
Girl lying on grass laughing
Top 10 ways to calm your child's fears about SATs
Give your child some all important “me time” during their SATs with our top tips on how to relax the mind and body and make for a healthier, happier learner!
Boy with string tied on finger
12 ways to give memory skills a boost and prepare for SATs
A good memory could be your child’s biggest asset when he’s preparing for SATs, tackling times tables or rehearsing for the school play. Here’s our guide to getting those synapses firing.
Children putting their hands up in class
8 common questions about SATs answered
Get ready for SATs with our guide to everything you need to know about the Year 2 and Year 6 assessments.
children in classroom
What educational value do SATs have?
SATs tests are one of the most hotly debated topics among educationalists, parents, and even children. So what do the experts have to say about their value and effect on children?
Girl with books and folders
Supporting your child after SATs
They’ve done the revision and taken the tests, so now it’s time to get back to life as normal. Follow these handy tips on helping your child unwind and avoid worry in the SATs aftermath.
Mum helping child with work
Countdown to SATs: your action plan
Stressed about SATs? Not sure if your child is ready for the tests? Don’t panic... just follow our six-week action plan for SATs success.
Happy mum and son hugging
SATs results: helping your child cope
Your child’s SATs can cause a rollercoaster of emotions, culminating in the nerve-wracking results day. Here the experts reveal how to keep SATs scores in perspective and offer your child the support they need – whatever the outcome.
Girl with lego tower
SATs preparation: how play can help
Noses in books and pens to paper are all well and good for SATs revision, but did you know that encouraging your child to play could also help them achieve their best during SATs?
Girl studying
10 top tips for SATs revision
Revision for tests is never easy for your children, but fear not, positive parenting expert Sue Atkins shares her advice to parents who want to help their kids achieve their best.
School blackboard with 'exam' written on it
Exam revision planner for SATs and beyond
Get your child off to a confident start with these exam revision tips for SATs and other school exams from top parenting expert Sue Atkins.