Transition to secondary school articles
What is verbal reasoning?
Verbal reasoning tests are a key part of most secondary school selection and 11+ exams, as well as Year 7 CATs – but your child won’t necessarily be taught the skill at school. We explain just what verbal reasoning involves, and how you can help them prepare for their test.
School admissions appeals panel hearings: a step-by-step guide
After you’ve sent in your appeals form to try to reverse a school’s decision and admit your child, you’ll be able to present your case in front of a panel. Read on to find out what happens in appeals panel hearings, and how to gather all the essential details you need.
School admissions appeals forms: a step-by-step guide
If you’ve just found out that your child hasn’t got a place in the school they wanted, the good news is that you can appeal the decision. Read our comprehensive guide on how to write a good appeals form and what information you need to include.
5 things you need to do before starting secondary school
Get your child prepared for their first day of secondary school with these top tips extracted from A Parent’s Guide to Secondary School by Kim Thomas.
Year 7 English: what your child learns
Your child has made the big leap to secondary school and KS3. So what will they learn in their new Year 7 English classes?
Your guide to integrated learning
The transition to secondary school can be a worry for children. However, many schools are now adopting integrated learning to help children settle in. Annemarie Flanagan reports.
Year 7 maths: what your child learns
As your budding mathematician moves up to secondary school and starts KS3 maths, what new skills will they learn?
Key Stage 3 PSHE explained
What will your KS3 child be learning in PSHE classes at school? Find out here, with tips on extending this learning at home.
Year 7 science: what your child learns
As your child moves up to secondary school, Year 7 science lessons can change a lot as children start working in labs like proper little scientists. Here’s an insight into what they’ll learn In KS3 science.
What children learn in Key Stage 3 geography
Find out what your child will be taught in KS3 geography classes and how you can support their learning at home.
Year 7 CATs: what every parent needs to know
You helped your child prepare for SATs, they took the tests and the results are in. So what are CATs and how do secondary schools use them? Moira Holden investigates.
Key Stage 3 PE – the lowdown
We take a look at the learning which takes place in KS3 PE and how you can help your child get ahead at home.
How to survive starting secondary school
Want to help your child prepare for their first term at secondary school? Sam Stephenson, now in Y8, shares the information he wishes he'd known this time last year.
What's taught in Key Stage 3 computing
KS3 children will be expected to develop and refine their ICT skills. Here’s how you can help at home.
Key Stage 3 design and technology explained
Find out about what your child will be doing in their KS3 design and technology classes and help them get ahead at home with our helpful tips.
The parents' guide to secondary school: KS3 art
Find out what your child will be learning in KS3 art lessons and help them to practise at home.
What your child learns in Key Stage 3 drama
Do you have a bright young star in the family? Find out what your child will be taught in drama lessons and how you can extend this learning at home.
Key Stage 3 SATs scrapped - what does it mean?
News of the end of Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) at Key Stage 3 heralds the start of a new era for 14 year olds, but what will it look like?
The parents' guide to secondary school: KS3 music
Your guide to what’s taught in music lessons and how to encourage your child to enjoy music at home, too.
Expert tips on settling your child into school
Antonia Chitty, author of ‘What To Do When Your Child Hates School’, gives her best advice on settling your child at school.
The parents' guide to secondary school: KS3 history
Find out what your child will be learning in their KS3 history lessons and support them at home with our top tips on getting ahead.
Handy help choosing a school
Selecting a primary or secondary school for your child? We take a look at the factors that you should be considering to make sure you pick the best match for your child.
How your child develops in Key Stage 3
As your child moves from primary to secondary school, what changes can you expect in their behaviour?
Your questions answered: choosing, applying to and appealing secondary school places
We invited education author Dr Kim Thomas to talk to TheSchoolRun’s parents about navigating secondary school choices. Read on for her top tips.
What your child learns in Key Stage 3 English
KS3 covers the first three years of secondary school. Here’s your guide to what your child will learn in English classes in that time.
Didn't get your first choice school? How to turn it around
If you child won’t be going to their first choice secondary school, how do you make the best of it? Camilla Chafer investigates.
What your child learns in Key Stage 3 maths
Is your child overtaking you in their maths knowledge? Here are the main topics they’ll cover over the next three years.
Your guide to choosing a secondary school
Looking at and choosing prospective secondary schools is an important mission. It’s likely that your child will spend at least the next five years at the school they get into, which means the decision is a weighty one. Here are our tips on making the right choice of school.
What your child learns in Key Stage 3 science
Your guide to the topics your child will cover in science from years 7 to 9.
Transition time: from primary to secondary
Moving schools from primary to secondary can be a daunting time for parents and children alike. Expert, Sue Atkins, offers some invaluable advice on how to make the transition as smooth as possible.
How your Year 7 child develops
As they move from primary to secondary school, what changes can you expect to see in your child?
10 common secondary school application mistakes
Applying for a job is a walk in the park compared to choosing, applying for and getting your child into your preferred secondary school. In the next few frantic weeks, half a million families will be putting pen to paper – so make sure your application form doesn’t contain any of their common mistakes.
13 things you must look for during a secondary school visit
Starting the secondary school application process and feeling a bit clueless? We quizzed the experts (and the parents who’ve been there and done it) to find out what you should look out for when touring schools.
8 things you must do to lay the foundations of a great school year
Want to know how to get your child off to a flying start next term? Who better to ask than the experts! Wendy Golledge quizzed eight primary school teachers for their tips on preparing your child for the school year ahead.