Key Stage 2 - 2013 English SATs Papers
These 2013 KS2 English SATs papers will help your child with their SATs revision and preparation and help them to approach their SATs with confidence.
These are "old-style" SATs papers and don't reflect the new KS2 SATs format, which was first administered in May 2016. However, you can use these past papers to help your child get used to how the tests are administered.
This pack includes:
- English Reading Booklet
- Reading Answer Booklet
- Grammar, punctuation and spelling test short answer questions
- Grammar, punctuation and spelling test spelling task
The test papers have been merged into one easy download for you.
You can also download the answers and marking scheme so you can look through your child's work and compare it with what teachers and examiners are looking for.
To understand how to use the KS2 English past papers at home most effectively, read our step-by-step guide to administering and marking KS2 English SATs practice tests at home.
You can also read up-to-date advice about how KS2 SATs will be administered this year, and look through all our KS2 SATs-preparation advice to help you support your child at home.
For information about SATs for Y2 children look through our KS1 SATs information.
Free KS2 SATs past papers to download
To download more KS2 SATs official past papers, browse through our free Year 6 SATs maths and English past papers.