Number puzzles worksheets
Free worksheets: Number puzzles, KS2
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Number hopscotch
Using the numbers in the hopscotch, choose ones that add up to make the big number given. You need to use three, four and five numbers.
Shape sequences
Can you draw the next shape in each sequence?
Addition number puzzle
Mark has eight cards and he needs to arrange them in this grid so that there is a card in every square, except the middle one. They need to be arranged so that each column and each row of numbers adds up to 10. Can you work out how to do it?
Triangular numbers explained
A triangular number can be represented by a triangle of dots. Work out the first 20 triangular numbers (you won’t be able to draw them all!).
Prime number puzzle
Noah has an unusual ark. He only takes animals grouped in prime numbers. Zoe has a zoo that takes animals that are not in prime numbers. Which of the animals below go in the ark and
which into the zoo?
which into the zoo?
Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying fractions
Each pair of adjacent fractions needs to be multiplied to make the one on top.
Year 6 number pyramids: multiplying by 100 and 1000
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 6 number pyramids: adding fractions
Each pair of adjacent fractions needs to be added to make the one on top. The fractions all have different denominators, so you will need to use your knowledge of multiples to work out how to add them.
Year 6 number pyramids: adding decimals
Add the adjacent decimals together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 5 number pyramids: multiplying fractions
Each pair of adjacent numbers needs to be multiplied to make the one on top.
Year 5 number pyramids: multiplying decimals
Each pair of adjacent numbers needs to be multiplied to make the one on top.
Year 5 number pyramids: adding Roman numerals
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 5 number pyramids: negative numbers
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 5 number pyramids: measures
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 4 number pyramids: 6
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 4 number pyramids: 5
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 4 number pyramids: 4
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 4 number pyramids: 3
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 4 number pyramids: 2
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 4 number pyramids: 1
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 3 number pyramids: 5
Multiply the adjacent numbers and write their product in the circle above them.
Year 3 number pyramids: 4
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 3 number pyramids: 3
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 3 number pyramids: 2
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.
Year 3 number pyramids: 1
Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the circle above them.