Number puzzles worksheets
Free worksheets: Number puzzles, KS2
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Number hopscotch
Using the numbers in the hopscotch, choose ones that add up to make the big number given. You need to use three, four and five numbers.
Shape sequences
Can you draw the next shape in each sequence?
Addition number puzzle
Mark has eight cards and he needs to arrange them in this grid so that there is a card in every square, except the middle one. They need to be arranged so that each column and each row of numbers adds up to 10. Can you work out how to do it?
Triangular numbers explained
A triangular number can be represented by a triangle of dots. Work out the first 20 triangular numbers (you won’t be able to draw them all!).
Prime number puzzle
Noah has an unusual ark. He only takes animals grouped in prime numbers. Zoe has a zoo that takes animals that are not in prime numbers. Which of the animals below go in the ark and
which into the zoo?
which into the zoo?
Maze puzzle: giving directions
Father Christmas is stuck in a maze. Help him to find a way out so he can deliver your presents! Can you give Father Christmas instructions to the maze exit? Decide which way he should go, then write down your instructions using these commands. F = go forwards, R90 = turn right 90°, L90 = turn left 90° Your instructions might look like this: F\R90\F\L90… and so on. There are lots of different possible routes; try all the exits from the centre.
Multiples of 5 investigation
Carol, Robert, Faye and Daniel all have collections of monster cards. Can you work out how many monster cards each person has from the information given?
Halving investigation
If you take any three-digit number ending in two zeros and keep halving it, you will eventually end up with a number that ends in 5. Do you think this is true? Test this out using this table to record your findings. Test every number possible.
Even numbers wordsearch
There are lots of even numbers hidden in this wordsearch – can you find them? One number is hidden twice – can you spot it?
Venn diagram puzzle
This Venn diagram has been filled in but there are no rules at the top. What do you think the rules could be?
Multiplication investigation
How well do you know the 3x table? Use your multiplication skills to work out how many cakes Sarah has baked.
Addition number puzzle
Mark has eight cards and he needs to arrange them in this grid so that there is a card in every square, except the middle one. They need to be arranged so that each column and each row of numbers adds up to 10. Can you work out how to do it?
Working with numbers: alien investigation
A challenging alien investigation for Y3 mathematicians. Can they use their powers of logic and deduction to match and sort information and numbers and work out how many aliens have red feet, orange eyes, three-fingered hands and blue antennae?
KS2 Sudoku puzzle
Download this fun Sudoku puzzle for kids in KS2, using numbers 1-6.
KS1 Sudoku puzzle
Print off this easy Sudoku puzzle for your child to get to grips with how the game works; they'll only use numbers 1-4.
Cool maths games for kids
Add an extra learning dimension to family game time – try one of our Cool Maths board games and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play. Compiled by deputy headteacher Matt Revill and packed with 20 games, this maths learning pack covers all the key skills your child will need to master as part of the primary numeracy curriculum.
Breaking the code: 6 times table
Can your child use their knowledge of the 6 times table to solve a puzzle and work out the correct combination of digits to break a top-secret code?
Spot and count the shapes
This picture of a house is made up of loads of different shapes. Can your child spot them all and count them? A brilliant puzzle to help boost shape-recognition skills.