Ks2 worksheets
Free worksheets: Science, KS2, Y6
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What stores and transfers energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store into another. In these pictures, which items do you think use energy? Which ones store energy? Do they all store/use the same type of energy? Cut them out and sort them into groups.
Understanding friction: Build your own balloon hovercraft
When a moving surface slides on a stationary surface it rubs against it, which slows it down. This is due to friction, a force which resists the movement of one object sliding past another. Understand more about friction with a fantastic practical project: make your own balloon hovercraft!
Super scientist quiz
Quiz questions to encourage your child to think about how scientists work and why they do the things they do.
Reaching conclusions
A worksheet showing results of an experiment with questions underneath to consider.
Reading a pictogram
This KS1 pictogram worksheet will help your child read pictograms and understand how to use them in their maths classes. It was created by an experienced teacher with the aim of supporting your child's learning at home.
Properties of 2D shapes
Look at these shapes. Think about the statements in the table and draw each shape next to the statement that you think goes with it. You may need to use the corner of a book or piece of paper to check which angles are right angles.
Partitioning to add three-digit numbers
When adding two three-digit numbers, add the hundreds numbers first, then the tens numbers and then the units. Can you use this method to work out these problems?
Partitioning practice: thousands, hundreds, tens and units
Listen to these numbers then write each digit in the correct column – thousands, hundreds, tens or units.
Number sequences: counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5, 6s, 10s
Some numbers are missing from these lily pads. Look at the other numbers and see if you can work out what they are.
Number patterns: counting in 3s
Count in 3s from 3 to 36. Write down each number as you go. Now go through and add up the digits of each number. What do you notice?
Multiplying multiples of ten
Here's a method to help you multiply multiples of ten (numbers ending in zero). Can you use this method to help you answer the following questions?
Multiplying by 10
Cut out the number cards below. Each blue number is a pink number multiplied by ten. Can you match the cards into their correct pairs? Remember, when you multiply a number by 10, the digits slide to the left and then you need to put a zero in before the decimal point.
Multiplication investigation
How well do you know the 3x table? Use your multiplication skills to work out how many cakes Sarah has baked.
Measuring angles: smaller or larger than a right angle
Are these angles smaller or larger than right angles? You may need to check. Write underneath each one if it is bigger than a right angle, smaller than a right angle or a right angle.
Length word problems
Can you work out these word problems? Remember that there are 100 centimetres in one metre. There are 1000 metres in one kilometre.
Inverse operations: multiplication and division
Get your thinking hats on and see if you can work out which of the following multiplication and division statements are true.
Interpreting a bar chart
Can you read the data on this bar chart to find out about the least favourite insects of children in Year 3?
Drawing a bar chart
Using the tally chart, can you complete this bar chart to show how many people liked each football team? Remember to make sure all the bars are the same width and that there are gaps of the same width between each bar.
Capacity word problems
Here are some tricky problems that involve capacity. You can fill a measuring jug with water to help you work them out.
Addition number puzzle
Mark has eight cards and he needs to arrange them in this grid so that there is a card in every square, except the middle one. They need to be arranged so that each column and each row of numbers adds up to 10. Can you work out how to do it?
Addition and subtraction facts practice
How quickly can you finish this sheet of addition and subtraction calculations? Ready, steady, go...
Adding two-digit numbers using partitioning
A teacher-made worksheet to help Year 3 children practise adding two-digit numbers using partitioning.
When adding two two-digit numbers, it is a good idea to add the tens first, then add both the units and finally add the two results. Can you use this method to work out these sums?
When adding two two-digit numbers, it is a good idea to add the tens first, then add both the units and finally add the two results. Can you use this method to work out these sums?
3D shapes matching
Can you match these shapes with the correct definitions?