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Ks2 worksheets

Decimals made simple learning pack cover

Decimals made simple

Do you dread decimals? Don't! Our Decimals made simple learning pack aims to take you through every aspect of primary-school decimal learning, from using decimal notation in money and measurements to converting fractions to decimals and rounding decimals to the nearest whole number. As well as a year-by-year guide to what your child learns you'll be able to complete 35 worksheets with your child to help them put their decimals knowledge into practice. And why not end a study session with a quick decimal game? Use the number spinner provided to try your hand at making the biggest (or smallest) decimal number, or speed-racing some decimal multiplication or division.
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Gifted and talented pack cover

Gifted and talented learning activities for KS1 and KS2

Looking for some really original, exciting learning activities to try out at home? Our Gifted and talented pack presents 30 fascinating, involving projects to get stuck into, all linked to the national curriculum for 5- to 11-year-olds and designed to get your child (and you!) thinking, creating and loving learning.
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Verbal non-verbal reasoning pack cover

Verbal and non-verbal reasoning: an introduction

If your child is in the last years of primary school you might be thinking about selection tests like the Eleven Plus and how to prepare for them. To help you decide on your approach we've put together an introduction to verbal and non-verbal reasoning, with expert tips, advice and practice questions and answers for you and your child.
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Easter wordsearch

Easter wordsearch

How quickly can you find the Easter-themed words hidden in this wordsearch? Have fun!
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Easter crossword puzzle

Easter crossword

Eggs, buns, flowers and bunnies - and chocolate, of course! Prepare for the school holidays by testing your knowledge of all things Easter-related with this quick crossword.
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Counting in 6s worksheet

Counting in 6s: Spotty's journey

Help Spotty the space dog reach his spaceship by filling in the blanks on these number lines, which can only be done by counting in 6s. Are you up for the challenge?
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6 times table Venn diagram worksheet

6 times table Venn diagram

Use a Venn diagram to sort the numbers on this worksheet to show which are in the six times table, which are greater than 30, which fall into both categories, and which don't belong in any of the categories.
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Year 6 mental maths test

Year 6 mental maths test

Practise mental maths skills for Year 6 with this timed test. Read out the questions to your child, giving them a few seconds to answer each one, then score their results with the answers provided.
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Year 5 mental maths test

Year 5 mental maths test

Practice makes perfect! The timed questions in this mental maths test will help your child improve their ability to make quick and accurate calculations - an ideal way to prepare for SATs.
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Year 4 mental maths test

Year 4 mental maths test

Get some early SATs preparation in with the help of this timed mental maths test, with questions aimed at students in year 4.
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Year 3 mental maths test

Year 3 mental maths test

How quickly can your child complete this mental maths test? Improve their mental maths skills with this series of 10 timed questions.
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Mental Maths learning pack

Mental Maths challenges

For primary school students, mental maths is more than being able to work out sums in their head without writing anything down. It's an important skill that incorporates all of the maths concepts they learn, and that they'll be tested on throughout the primary-school years. Help your child gain confidence and accuracy in mental maths with tests targeted at their year group, plus a comprehensive guide for parents on what mental maths is all about.
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Resources and support for dyslexia pack

Resources and support for dyslexia

What is dyslexia? Who does it affect and what are the key signs a child might be dyslexic? The Resources and support for dyslexia pack offers a complete overview, from how dyslexia is identified to at-home support strategies, expert tips to encourage a love of reading and links to further resources and advice.
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Valentine's Day wordsearch

Valentine's Day wordsearch

Love is in the air... and in this wordsearch! Have fun finding the words in this Valentine's-themed puzzle for KS1 and KS2 children.
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Times Tables Funpack

Times Tables Funpack

Need some fun strategies to help your child's times tables stick? Our Times Tables Funpack offers puzzles and games galore. There are fairground ducks to hook, safe codes to decipher, dominoes to play with and more. Your child will be so busy puzzle-solving, they won't even realise they're putting their tables into practice.
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3 times table practice drill worksheet

3 times table practice drill

How many of these 3 times table number sentences can you solve without looking at the answers?
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Spot the wrong answers: 3 times table worksheet

Spot the wrong answers: 3 times table

How well do you know the 3 times table? Mark the incorrect answers to the number sentences on this worksheet.
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Speed grids: 3 times table division facts worksheet

Speed grids: 3 times table division facts

Each of these speed grids has a multiple of three on the left. How quickly can you divide that by three? Try to beat your own time on each grid!
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3 times table speed grids worksheet

3 times table speed grids

Challenge yourself on the 3 times table by seeing how quickly you can complete these speed grids! Can you improve your time on each one?
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3 times table quick quiz worksheet

3 times table quick quiz

Have your child complete this multiple-choice quiz about the 3 times table by colouring in the stars with the correct answers.
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