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Ks2 worksheets

Counting notes and coins worksheet

Counting notes and coins

Have your child add up the coins in these different piggy banks.
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Money word problems: Subtraction worksheet

Money word problems: Subtraction

Work out the answers to these money word problems by using subtraction
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Calculating change worksheet

Calculating change

Work out how much change will you get from a £2 coin after buying different items.
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Shading parts of a whole worksheet

Shading parts of a whole

Have your child shade the 100-square grids on this worksheet to show the given fraction or decimal.
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Improper fractions and mixed numbers worksheet

Improper fractions and mixed numbers

In this teacher-created Year 6 worksheet, your child will learn about improper fraction and mixed numbers, with examples, questions and answers.
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Writing informative text worksheet

Writing informative text

Have your child pretend they're helping out a new boy or girl who's just arrived at their school by explaining all of the important things they'd need to know, from homework to PE.
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Spotting facts and opinions worksheet

Spotting facts and opinions

Use this worksheet to help your child learn to recognise sentences that are facts and sentences that are opinions.
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Join sentences with connectives worksheet

Join sentences with connectives

Choose which connectives you'd like to use to join the sentences in this worksheet
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Write a poem about snow worksheet

Write a poem about snow

In this worksheet, your child can complete a poem about snow by filling in the blanks. Repeat the exercise to come up with a few different poems.
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Reading comprehension: The journey worksheet

Reading comprehension: The journey

Read this short passage about taking a train journey to France, then answer questions based on the text.
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Using similes worksheet

Using similes

Help your child practise using similes by completing these phrases to make comparisons.
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Three-syllable words worksheet

Three-syllable words

Clap out the syllables in these words, and rewrite them with the syllables divided out.
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Practise two-syllable words worksheet

Practise two-syllable words

Help your child get to grips with syllables by dividing the words on this worksheet into two syllables.
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Reading comprehension practice: Growing vegetables worksheet

Reading comprehension practice: Growing vegetables

With this worksheet, have your child answer questions after reading about how to grow their own vegetables.
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Using contrasting connectives

Using contrasting connectives

Can you finish these sentences to show contrasting opinions? Choose a connective from the box below and then write two second parts for each sentence, one supporting zoos and one in opposition to zoos. An example is done for you.
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Write full sentences worksheet

Write full sentences

Convert basic notes about a fun day at the Natural History Museum into full sentences and paragraphs.
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Using descriptive words worksheet

Using descriptive words

In this worksheet, your child can practise writing sentences with descriptive words, and understand why they are more interesting to read than sentences without descriptive words.
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Group 'i' before 'e' words worksheet

Group 'i' before 'e' words

Help your child learn the "'i' before 'e' except after 'c'" rule by grouping the words that follow the rule and the ones that don't into the appropriate categories.
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Full stops, commas and capital letters practice worksheet

Full stops, commas and capital letters practice

Help your child understand where and when to use commas and full stops by filling them into the text on this worksheet. Don't forget to add capital letters at the start of new sentences!
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Guy Fawkes wordsearch

Guy Fawkes wordsearch

Remember, remember the fifth of November… but can you complete this challenging wordsearch?
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