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Ks2 worksheets

Changing sounds: vibrations activity

Changing sounds: vibrations

An activity sheet with ideas for things to do at home that demonstrate the connection between sound and vibrations.
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The water cycle activity

The water cycle

A cutting and sticking activity to help reinforce children's knowledge of the water cycle.
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Writing your ideas with paragraphs worksheet

Writing your ideas with paragraphs

This worksheet requires children to imagine that they have been given a large sum of money and then use paragraphs to write about what they would do with it.
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Animals and their habitats worksheet

Animals and their habitats

This worksheet encourages children to investigate why certain animals are adapted to their habitats.
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Putting together a circuit worksheet

Putting together a circuit

This worksheet encourages children to think about how they would carry out an experiment into circuits. It requires them to draw a diagram using the correct symbols.
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Estimate and measure time activity

Estimate and measure time

This worksheet encourages your child to estimate how long it takes them to do certain things throughout the day. They then need to time themselves doing these things and compare the results.
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Understanding rounding rules worksheet

Understanding rounding rules

This worksheet gives a list of decimal numbers to round to the nearest whole number. It also gives tips on how to do this.
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Recognise word patterns in words worksheet

Recognise word patterns in words

Challenge your child to find short words within longer words, then create and spell new words using a limited number of letters.
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Understanding sound and hearing

Understand sound and hearing

Your child will have tons of fun doing this experiment whilst learning all about sound and hearing.
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Measuring right angles

Measuring right angles

A practical activity for measuring right angles. Children will become more confident at recognising right angles with this exercise.
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Is < or > or = missing? activity

Is < or > or = missing?

A worksheet to help children practise their knowledge of the symbols: <, > and =. It also involves practising different operations.
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Good and bad scientists worksheet

Good and bad scientists

A list of statements for children to look through and decide which are true of good scientists.
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Calculate and measure areas worksheet

Calculate and measure areas

Use square centimeters to calculate and measure the area of rectangles.
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Time words worksheet

Time words

A worksheet prompting children to look for words associated with time in a poem. They then need to sort these words into categories.
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Keeping warm investigation worksheet

Keeping warm investigation

This worksheet prompts your child to think about how they would plan an investigation into keeping warm.
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Changing state: condensation activity

Changing state: condensation

A worksheet with activities your child can try at home to demonstrate the process of condensation.
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Useful gases around us worksheet

Useful gases around us

A worksheet encouraging your child to research into how different gases are used to help us in everyday life.
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Writing summaries of news reports

Writing summaries of news reports

This worksheet encourages your child to read through news reports, picking out the important facts in order to summarise them.
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Can you separate solids from liquids worksheet

Can you separate solids from liquids?

This experiment helps children to understand that sometimes a solution of a solid and a liquid can be separated by evaporation.
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Reversible and non-reversible changes activity

Reversible and non-reversible changes

This experiment that you can do at home helps your child to understand the difference between a reversible change and a non-reversible change.
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