Year 3 English worksheets
Free worksheets, Word puzzles, KS2, Y3
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Word split: compound words
A mix and match puzzle created by teachers, using compound words, to support primary school literacy and demonstrate examples of compound words.
Word colouring: nouns and pronouns
Colour the squares with nouns in green. Colour the squares with pronouns in brown. Leave the blank squares empty, then work out what the picture is.
Mini word Sudoku 6 x 6
Put the letters from the word GRUMPY in the squares so that each column, row, and mini-grid contains all the letters that make up the word.
Improve your child's handwriting in 8 weeks
Handwriting is a crucial life skill, but how can you help your child write neatly and legibly? Our eight-week learning pack is packed with information and tips from handwriting experts, as well as fun and practical steps you can take to help your child put theory into practice.
Conjunctions related to time
A list of half-sentences with a time conjunction at the end. Children need to complete the sentence, thinking about what the conjunction means.
Choosing the right conjunctions
A list of sentences with the conjunction in the middle missing. Children have to choose from the list at the bottom, making sure that the sentence makes sense.
What are adjectives?
This worksheet provides a list of incomplete sentences and encourages children to use the list of adjectives to make the sentences more interesting. This should encourage them to use adjectives more readily in their writing.
Using powerful verbs
Children are encouraged to write sentences containing powerful verbs about the given pictures. A list of powerful verbs is also given to support them.
Understanding nouns
This worksheet helps your child to understand the different kinds of nouns. They need to cut up the cards and then arrange them into piles to demonstrate their understanding of this.
Understanding non-fiction text
This information text on guitars comes with questions for your child to practise to help them with retrieval of information and naming features of such a text.
Understanding characters
This reading comprehension gives a passage of fiction text for children to read. The questions then encourage children to retrieve information and infer the way that characters are feeling.
Selecting interesting verbs
This worksheet encourages children to think about the appropriate verb for a sentence and also to think about their own verbs.
Reading comprehension: Visit from outer space
A Year 3 reading comprehension text and activity created by an experienced primary school teacher to help children improve their reading skills.
This reading comprehension encourages children to think about the feelings and behaviour of characters in a text. It includes answers to the questions.
This reading comprehension encourages children to think about the feelings and behaviour of characters in a text. It includes answers to the questions.
Reading comprehension: Billy's guitar
This reading comprehension includes a passage of fiction which is followed by questions designed to prompt children to retrieve information and infer characters' feelings. It also includes answers.
Reading comprehension: A new life in London
This reading comprehension consists of a passage of fiction which is then followed by questions prompting children to retrieve information from the text and infer characters' feelings. Answers are also included.
Spelling patterns: the prefix mis-
This worksheet demonstrates to children how the prefix mis- changes the meaning of a word. They are then encouraged to use words starting mis- in sentences.
Spelling patterns: the prefix ex-
Use this worksheet to familiarise your child with words starting with the prefix 'ex'. It provides them with an activity where they need to match the word with the meaning.
Powerful verbs
Encourage your child to think about the meanings of powerful verbs, by matching three interesting verbs to one boring one.
Playing with verbs
Use these verb cards to play two different games which will help your children to become more familiar with interesting verbs.
Instruction text
Use this reading comprehension to help your child think about the way instruction texts are set out and also to help them get used to retrieving information from a text.
High frequency words puzzle
Use this to help your child with their spellings and knowledge of syllables. They need to cut out all the syllables and then see how quickly they can put them back together as words.
Connectives practice
This worksheet gives sentence starters with connectives for your child to complete in imaginative ways.
Connective game
This game will encourage your child to use connectives when they are speaking. They will then be more likely to use sentences with connectives in their writing.