Year 4 Maths worksheets
Free worksheets: Weights and measurements, KS2, Y4
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Reading scales and solving problems
A KS2 numeracy worksheet created by an educator to help your child practise reading scales and solving problems.
Y4 capacity word problems
Can you solve these capacity problems using millilitres and litres?
6 times table matching challenge
A fun spaceship and alien matching challenge to help your child practise their 6 times table.
Breaking the code: 6 times table
Can your child use their knowledge of the 6 times table to solve a puzzle and work out the correct combination of digits to break a top-secret code?
6 times table as repeated addition
Multiplication can also be expressed as addition number sentences. Can your child use their addition skills to help them learn their times tables? This worksheet focuses on the 6 times table.
6 times table practice drill
Once they have learnt the 6 times table, set your child this quick practice drill to check they know it and are confident. Get them to race against the clock for an extra challenge!
Mastering money maths
Feeling confident about all aspects of money is a fundamental life skill, and it’s all about applying mathematical knowledge to pounds and pence. From simple addition and subtraction to division, multiplication and decimal calculations, help your child practise their money maths with games, activities and worksheets, as well as teachers’ tips to support financial learning at home. But beware – you might have to play shops (a lot!), as well as rewarding calculator challenges with pocket money bonuses!
Adding up shopping lists
Have your child work out how much money these four people spent on their shopping.
Shading parts of a whole
Have your child shade the 100-square grids on this worksheet to show the given fraction or decimal.
Fractions of amounts: number problems
Test your child's understanding of fractions and how to calculate them with these number problems.
Fractions made simple
Foxed by fractions? Not any more! From the foundations of fractions learning in Reception to converting fractions to decimals and percentages in Year 6, our teacher-created learning pack explains everything your child needs to know in fractions. We'll break fractions down and show you, step by step, how to teach your primary school child fractions.
Column addition working out
A worksheet designed to prompt children to work out addition of three-digit numbers using the column method.
Ordering positive and negative numbers
On this sheet, children can cut out sweets labelled with negative and positive numbers and then put them in order. There is also a blank template for them to make their own activity.
Division and chunking
An activity involving cutting out cards and matching a division problem to the correct working out.
Positive and negative numbers on a scale
Use this worksheet to help your child practise positive and negative numbers on a horizontal and vertical number line.
Division story problems
Real-life word problems to help your child practise using written methods for division.
Rounding to the nearest whole number
Use this worksheet to practise rounding measurements of length to the nearest whole number.
Equivalent fractions practice
A matching activity for children to practice applying their knowledge of equivalent fractions.
Setting out and solving column addition problems
This worksheet involves real-life word problems that need to be solved using column addition. All the numbers used have three or four digits.
Find equivalent fractions
A worksheet to encourage your child to think of equivalent fractions to match those given.
Understanding column addition
This worksheet will give your child practice in carrying out column addition with three- and four-digit numbers.
Is < or > or = missing?
A worksheet to help children practise their knowledge of the symbols: <, > and =. It also involves practising different operations.