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Year 5 Maths worksheets

Calculate and measure areas worksheet

Calculate and measure areas

Use square centimeters to calculate and measure the area of rectangles.
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How to order decimal numbers worksheet

How to order decimal numbers

A worksheet explaining how to work out which decimals are bigger, due to the place value of each digit. The sheet then gives examples to practise along with answers.
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24-hour clock timetable worksheet

24-hour clock timetable

This worksheet helps children practise using the 24-hour clock and interpreting timetables.
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Telling the time learning pack

Telling the time pack

Learning to tell the time is a process which spans the primary-school years, and children can find it overwhelmingly hard. The Telling the Time pack is a complete guide to everything you need to know to support your child and help them get to grips with this vital skill, bursting with practical suggestions, advice from experts and activity sheets for all the key stages.
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Calculate area and perimeter activity

Calculate area and perimeter

This activity encourages your child to measure your kitchen at home and then calculate its perimeter and area.
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Explain chunking worksheet

Explain chunking

Encourage your child to revise their knowledge of the chunking method by designing a poster to explain it. Can they think of some examples to illustrate this technique?
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Practise multiplying by 100 worksheet

Practise multiplying by 100

This worksheet gives children an opportunity to practise multiplying various numbers (including decimals) by 100.
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Multiplication and division facts worksheet

Multiplication and division facts

This worksheet sets out the relationship between multiplication and division.
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Using chunking to divide worksheet

Using chunking to divide

Chunking, or repeated subtraction, is a way to tackle complex division problems. This worksheet offers a step-by-step guide to the technique and some calculations to practise it on.
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The short division method worksheet

The short division method

This worksheet helps your child learn to set out their calculation using the long division method, then use it to solve division problems.
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The multiplication grid method for big numbers worksheet

The multiplication grid method for big numbers

The multiplication grid method is a simple technique to help children learn to multiply big numbers. Review the technique with this worksheet and then put it into practice.
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Place value practice worksheet

Place value practice

Place value is one of the building blocks of primary maths education. Help your child practise identifying the value of each digit in a number with this teacher-created worksheet and boost their confidence with units, tens, hundreds, thousands and more.
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Multiplication sign

The Parents' Guide to multiplication

Can you explain multiplication to your child? Our guide offers a quick review of what you need to know, including partitioning numbers, column multiplication and grid methods.
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Division sign

The Parents' Guide to division

From sharing and grouping to shorthand division and chunking, this is your step-by-step guide to how your child will be taught to divide numbers in KS2.
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Sort decimal numbers by size worksheet

Sort decimal numbers by size

This worksheet shows children sets of decimal numbers which they need to put into order.
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Solving subtraction money problems worksheet

Solving subtraction money problems

Number sentences involving different amounts of money, which children need to use the column method to subtract.
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Ordering numbers from largest to smallest worksheet

Ordering numbers from largest to smallest

This worksheet shows a range of numbers with one decimal place that need to be put into order from largest to smallest.
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Ordering decimal numbers practice worksheet

Ordering decimal numbers practice

This worksheet gives a range of decimal numbers for children to order, along with instructions on how to do this.
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Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 worksheet

Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

A worksheet to help your child understand what happens to a decimal number when it is multiplied by 10, 100 and 1000.
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