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Ks1 Maths worksheets

Year 1 money maths: coin combinations worksheet

Year 1 money maths: coin combinations

How good are you at counting money? Can you combine these coins and fill the purse?
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What 2D shape am I? worksheet

What 2D shape am I?

Can you work out what all these 2D shapes are? Read the clue and draw the shape!
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Using the correct calculation worksheet

Using the correct calculation

Work out what these problems are asking you to do. Then write the calculation and work it out!
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Using a number square: addition worksheet

Using a number square: addition

Can you use the number square to complete these calculations?
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Using a number line 0-20: addition worksheet

Using a number line 0-20: addition

Use this slithery number line to help you solve these problems!
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Subtraction: counting back worksheet

Subtraction: counting back

How good are you at counting backwards? Put the number Milly is holding in your head then count back. Write the number you get to in the box.
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Reading charts and graphs worksheet

Reading charts and graphs

Class 1PF have done a survey about favourite fruits. Can you read the chart and answer the questions?
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Problem solving: doubles worksheet

Problem solving: doubles

Ben and Bella are twins. They have to have the same amount of everything or they begin to get cross! Work out these word problems, then write down the double calculation you did…
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Problem solving: addition worksheet

Problem solving: addition

Do you like solving problems? See if you can answer these addition problems using numbers up to 20.
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Number bonds to 10 practice worksheet

Number bonds to 10 practice

Do you know your number bonds to 10 without having to think about them? Put a tick or cross next to each calculation to show if they are right or wrong!
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Missing numbers in a sequence worksheet

Missing numbers in a sequence

Some of these balloons have lost their numbers! Can you add the correct ones in?
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Mental addition and subtraction game worksheet

All in my head mental addition and subtraction game

This is a challenging game to help you practise adding and subtracting without writing down.
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Make a 2D shape worksheet

Make a 2D shape

Cut out the strips, then make some shapes! If you prefer you could use drinking straws.
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Know your number facts speed quiz worksheet

Know your number facts speed quiz

Ask a grown-up to time how long it takes you to say the answer to these questions. Then write some questions yourself and test an adult!
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Exploring shape: tessellation worksheet

Exploring shape: tessellation

Cut out the shapes below and make some tessellating patterns. Tessellating is a big word, but it just means shapes that fit together without any gaps!
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Drawing and labelling a shape picture worksheet

Drawing and labelling a shape picture

Draw a picture of a building, a person, an alien… anything you want! You must make sure you include plenty of actual shapes though. Once you’ve finished, label your picture using shape words.
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Double or half number card game worksheet

Double or half number card game

Turn the cards face down on the table. Players must take turns picking up a number card and a word card, complete the calculation it suggests and write the answer. The winner is the player who writes the most correct answers after five turns.
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Double me Memory Game worksheet

Double me Memory Game

The object of the game is to pick up a number and its double – that’s a pair! If you don’t pick up a pair you put the cards back on the table face down and continue to take turns. Players who pick pairs take them off the table and keep them. The winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game.
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Continuing and making patterns worksheet

Continuing and making patterns

Can you continue these patterns by drawing the next pictures in each sequence?
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Comparing lengths treasure hunt worksheet

Comparing lengths treasure hunt

You are going to go on a treasure hunt around your house, finding things that are longer or shorter than other things. Then draw a picture of what you’ve found!
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