Ks1 Maths worksheets
Free worksheets: Weights and measurements, KS1
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Using non-standard measures: length
Let's get measuring. Look at your hand. Stretch it out as big as it can go. The distance from your thumb to your little finger is called your hand span. Go around your house finding things that are smaller and things that are larger than your hand span. Write them in these circles.
Comparing weights
A Year 2 maths worksheet created by a teacher to help your child learn how to compare weights of two household objects to see which is the heaviest.
Measurement terms around the house
Cut out the cards. Put some Blu Tack on the back of them, then go on a measurement trail around your house. What items could be described by the words? Stick your cards on them!
Measurement trail around the house
Rulers at the ready! Find things around the house for each measurement and fill in the chart.
Comparing and ordering numbers
Max is in a muddle! He’s written these numbers down in the wrong order. Can you help him unjumble them and put them in order, from smallest number to largest?
Comparing amounts of money
Can you say whether each of these amounts is more or less than 20p? Can you find four different ways to make 10p using different coins.
Checking estimates
Can you estimate how many sweets are in the jar? An estimate is a clever guess (so it’s like a guess, but something you think very carefully about before making!).
Adding more than two numbers cards
Cut out the number cards and turn them face down. Choose three number cards, write down the calculation and work out the answer!
2D and 3D shape Bingo
Each player has a board. The caller reads out a shape question from the list below. The person who has the correct answer on their board puts a counter on top of it. The winner is the player who covers all the shape names on their board first.
Times tables practice book
Make times tables revision easy by downloading our 90-page practice book. It covers all the tables from 2 to 12 and offers quizzes, speed challenges and more to help your child master this vital area of primary maths. Practice makes perfect!
10 times table speed grids
Ready for a challenge? Work through these 10 times table speed grids, trying to beat your previous time with each go. How quickly can you complete one grid?
10 times table quick quiz
How well do you know the 10 times table? Test yourself by colouring in the correct answer to the number sentences on this worksheet.
10 times table practice drill
Have your child work through the 10 times table in order on the left of this worksheet, then test their knowledge with jumbled up number sentences on the right.
10 times table number sentences
What's missing from these 10 times table number sentences? Fill in the correct number in each crater.
10 times table matching challenge
Match the spaceships to their aliens to complete these number sentences from the 10 times table and practise counting in tens.
10 times table as repeated addition
Help your child understand the concept of multiplication and learn their 10 times table by breaking it down into addition number sentences.
Year 1 mental maths bingo
Add an element of competition (and fun!) to mental maths practice with our Year 1 bingo game. Your child might even surprise you by asking to play again (and again...)! Cut-out boards and dabbers are included, simply print out and play.
Writing numbers 1 to 10
Help your child practise writing numbers from 1 to 10 with our handwriting worksheet. There are guide numbers and dotted line versions to follow so you can check they are forming each digit correctly.
Reading the time: quarter to
In Y2 your child will learn to read the time to 15 and 45 minutes past the hour. Help them practise 'quarter to' with this worksheet.
Reading the time: quarter past
Telling-the-time worksheet created by a primary school teacher to help your Year 2 child read quarter past the hour.
Understanding clock faces to the hour
Time-telling practice for Y1 children: reading and writing the time to the hour on blank clock faces. Remind them to check the length of their hours and minutes hands!
Match digital and analogue time to the half hour
Can your child read the time on a digital clock and a clock face? Help them match digital and analogue time notation with this simple worksheet for Y1 students.
Digital and analogue time: hours and half hours
Help your child practise telling the time on a digital and analogue clock with this matching activity. They will learn to read and write time to the hour and half hour in Year 1.
Matching the time: o'clock
Can your child match these watches with 'o'clock' they show? A simple worksheet to help boost their confidence in telling the time.