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Ks2 worksheets

Spelling patterns worksheet: words containing the digraph ‘ou’

Spelling patterns: words containing the digraph ‘ou’ (Phase 5 phonics)

All these words contain the letters ‘ou’ but make the sound /u/, as in umbrella. Cut the words out and put them into the following sentences where you think they belong.
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Spelling patterns wordsearch: words containing 'ch' as a /k/ sound

Spelling patterns: words containing 'ch' as a /k/ sound

Underline the ‘ch’ in each of the following words. Say the words out loud. Can you see how the ‘ch’ is pronounced /k/? Now see if you can find the words in a wordsearch.
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Spelling patterns: the prefix sub-

Spelling patterns: the prefix sub-

A prefix is a string of letters added to the beginning of a root word, changing its meaning. Each prefix has a meaning; sub- means ‘under’. Cut out the following words and definitions. See if you can match each words to its definition.
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Spelling patterns: the prefix anti- worksheet

Spelling patterns: the prefix anti-

A prefix is a string of letters added to the beginning of a root word, changing its meaning. Each prefix has a meaning; anti- means ‘against’. Cut out the following words and definitions. See if you can match each words to its definition.
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Noun and verb homophones worksheet

Noun and verb homophones

A Year 6 English worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child learn about noun and verb homophones.
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Modal verbs practice

Modal verbs practice

A fun Year 5 English worksheet made by a teacher to help primary-school children understand modal verbs. It includes examples and activities to make learning about modal verbs enjoyable and engaging.
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Homophones practice worksheet

Homophones practice

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Can you put the words in the left-hand column in the correct sentences?
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Apostrophes for singular and plural possession worksheet

Apostrophes for singular and plural possession

This Year 4 English worksheet was created by an experienced primary school teacher to help your child understand and practise using apostrophes for singular and plural possession.
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Adding suffixes to words ending -fer worksheet

Adding suffixes to words ending -fer

A Year 6 English worksheet created by an experienced educator to teach your child about adding suffixes to words ending -fer.

When a verb ends in -fer, if you want to add the suffixes -ing or -ed to it, you need to add another r at the end. If the word is turned to a noun with the ending -ence, the r is not doubled. Now see if you know what all the words in the left-hand column mean. Can you write a sentence containing the red words?
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Bottle music activity

Bottle music

For this investigation you will need to ask a parent or adult if you can borrow some glass bottles (milk bottles are ideal). Remember to be careful when handling glass and ask an adult to help you clean the bottles first.
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Why do we use grit investigation

Why do we use grit?

When the roads are slippery in winter we spread grit and then salt on them. But is salt the most effective solid we could use? Conduct this simple experiment to investigate!
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Which foods are kind to teeth worksheet

Which foods are kind to teeth?

Look at this list of different foods and drinks. Which ones do you think will harm your teeth? Which ones do you think are less harmful and may even help your teeth? Colour in the tooth-friendly foods green and the ones that might harm your teeth red.
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What stores and transfers energy?

What stores and transfers energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store into another. In these pictures, which items do you think use energy? Which ones store energy? Do they all store/use the same type of energy? Cut them out and sort them into groups.
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What is evaporation investigation

What is evaporation?

In this investigation you are going to see if water can move – or does it just change?
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What do we use plants for?

What do we use plants for?

Look at these different word cards. Can you sort them into types of plant and into functions? Now shuffle the cards and see if you can match the different plants with possible functions.
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Using different materials to make a home worksheet

Using different materials to make a home

Look at these pictures of houses. What are they are made from? What do you think it might be like to live in these houses in hot or cold weather? Let's investigate which materials would not be good to use to build a house.
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Understanding wind power worksheet

Understanding wind power

Wind is moving air and we can use the energy in wind to do work. Look at these pictures to see how people have always used wind power to help them. How does the wind make these things work? Put the wind to work for you! Make your own pinwheel and watch it spin in the wind.
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Understanding forces: pushing and pulling

Understanding forces: pushing and pulling

Pushing and pulling FORCES make things speed up or slow down or change direction or shape. A change in speed, direction or shape always has a CAUSE. Sort the following pictures into forces caused by pushes and forces called by pulls. Then think of your own examples of pushes and pulls as you do things throughout the day.
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Understanding evaporation investigation

Understanding evaporation

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid such as water turns into a gas. In this simple experiment you will investigate how this process takes place.
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Understanding a frog’s life cycle

Understanding a frog’s life cycle

Look at these pictures of the stages of a frog’s life cycle. Can you arrange them into a cycle diagram? Can you read the statements and match them to each stage?
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