Ks2 worksheets
Free worksheets: Science, KS2, Y6
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What stores and transfers energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store into another. In these pictures, which items do you think use energy? Which ones store energy? Do they all store/use the same type of energy? Cut them out and sort them into groups.
Understanding friction: Build your own balloon hovercraft
When a moving surface slides on a stationary surface it rubs against it, which slows it down. This is due to friction, a force which resists the movement of one object sliding past another. Understand more about friction with a fantastic practical project: make your own balloon hovercraft!
Super scientist quiz
Quiz questions to encourage your child to think about how scientists work and why they do the things they do.
Reaching conclusions
A worksheet showing results of an experiment with questions underneath to consider.
Planet facts
Look at these pictures of the Sun and the planets in our solar system. Can you name them? One of these pictures is an intruder! Which of these pictures shows an object which is no longer a planet? Can you think of different criteria to sort the planets into (for example: size, colour, what planet is made of, type of orbit, etc.)?
Paper airplane challenge
Make yourself a selection of paper airplanes. You’re going to race your planes against each other, but first decide on the parameters you want to measure (for example, speed or distance). Now predict which plane will win each completion. Were you right?
Observing electricity
Choose a selection of small electrical objects, preferably two-battery operated. Look closely at how the batteries are arranged. Open up a plug and look at the wires, all going in different directions. Can you work with your adult helper to put the plug back together? If you have an electricity meter clock, look at the dial turning and how much electricity you are using.
Night and day investigation
What causes us to have a night and a day? Why is it night on one side of the Earth but day on the other? Let's investigate!
My diet investigation
What foods you have eaten in the last 24 hours? Write them down in the table below. Can you identify the type of food you have eaten and the role it plays in your diet?
Moving and vibrating sounds
When sounds are generated by objects, something moves or vibrates. Collect about 10 objects that make a noise (they don’t have to be musical instruments) and see if you can answer these questions.
Moon phase diary
Use this sheet to create a simple moon phase diary. Look out of your window every night for a month and draw what the moon looks like. Record the date underneath each picture.
Micro-organisms investigation
This investigation will help you find out which conditions will encourage micro-organisms such as mould to grow.
Making things louder
This simple investigation demonstrates how sound can be amplified and made louder.
Making carbon dioxide
We often drink fizzy drinks such as lemonade and cola. These are made using carbon dioxide. In this simple experiment, you will be able to make raisins dive up and down in a glass by making your own carbon dioxide!
Make your own water cycle
Build your own water cycle and investigate reversible and irreversible changes.
Make your own sundial
A sundial tells the time by using the position of the sun. This is how it works: the sun casts a shadow onto a surface marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. As the sun moves across the sky
the shadow aligns with different hour-lines. Do you think you can make your own sundial?
the shadow aligns with different hour-lines. Do you think you can make your own sundial?
Make your own parachute
Using what you have learned about air resistance, your challenge is to make the most effective parachute for a toy figure.
Make your own guitar
A guitar makes music when the strings vibrate. This simple experiment will help you make your own guitar and see how the length and tightness of the strings can affect the notes made.
Make your own food chains game
The aim of this game is to make as many food chains as possible.
Make your own circuits game
The aim of this activity is to design and make your own circuits game to help you revise the different circuit symbols.
Make a planet fact pack
Look at these pictures of the different planets and the sun in our solar system. What information can you remember about each one? Do you know any interesting facts about each planet? If not, can you use books, talking to people or your online research skills to find out an interesting fact for each? Record your fact below each one.
Magnets investigation
Magnets come in all shapes and sizes; they also vary in strength. This experiment will test the magnetic force of a variety of different magnets.
Magnetism explained
How do you find your way around? Do you use maps? A satellite navigation system? Could you use a compass to direct you instead? A compass works using magnetism – the needle in the compass points
towards the magnetic north. This helps us to find our way around. In this activity you are going to make your own simple compass!
towards the magnetic north. This helps us to find our way around. In this activity you are going to make your own simple compass!
Magnetic maze
Mix some paper clips up with some rice and put them in a closed, see-through plastic container. Using a magnet, how long does it take you to separate the paper clips from the rice without opening the container? Now set up a maze made of cardboard. Can you guide a magnetic ball or marble through the maze from the outside of box, using your magnet?