Ks2 worksheets
Free worksheets: Science, KS2, Y6
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What stores and transfers energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store into another. In these pictures, which items do you think use energy? Which ones store energy? Do they all store/use the same type of energy? Cut them out and sort them into groups.
Understanding friction: Build your own balloon hovercraft
When a moving surface slides on a stationary surface it rubs against it, which slows it down. This is due to friction, a force which resists the movement of one object sliding past another. Understand more about friction with a fantastic practical project: make your own balloon hovercraft!
Super scientist quiz
Quiz questions to encourage your child to think about how scientists work and why they do the things they do.
Reaching conclusions
A worksheet showing results of an experiment with questions underneath to consider.
Subtract two-digit numbers
A sorting activity for children to practise subtracting two-digit numbers in order to find out whether a number sentence is correct or not.
Plan a scientific investigation
This worksheet encourages children to read through a plan of an investigation and decide where the problems might be.
Measuring liquid
A worksheet encouraging children to estimate and then find ways of measuring the amounts of water they use doing everyday activities.
Get started with French
Planning a holiday in France? Give your child a head start with our beginner's guide to French, designed to help them grasp basic vocabulary and form simple sentences. We’ve asked a native French speaker to record all the words and phrases in the pack, so your child will hear the correct pronunciation and intonation, just as they would on an audio language course. Bonne chance!
The benefits of friction
Worksheet prompting your child to design a poster letting people know about the beneficial effects of friction.
Predictions and conclusions: keeping healthy
A worksheet with predictions for an experiment into heart rates to test children on their investigative skills.
Seaside similes poem
A worksheet to encourage children to generate similes and then organise them into a poem.
Develop questioning skills - traffic survey
A worksheet to prompt children to carry out their own traffic survey and consider the answers collected.
Harmful micro-organisms
This download prompts your child to think about the harmful micro-organisms that are killed by cleaning products.
Understanding gravity
This worksheet encourages children to look at pictures and then express their understanding of gravity. There is an answer sheet to follow.
Positive and negative numbers on a scale
Use this worksheet to help your child practise positive and negative numbers on a horizontal and vertical number line.
Dividing decimal numbers
Worksheet demonstrating a simple method to work out how to divide decimals by one-digit numbers. Answers are provided.
Guess that sound
In this entertaining activity your child will learn all about sounds.
Write a poem about parts of the body
This English worksheet will help to develop your child's skills of reading and understanding poetry. It encourages creativity and will help your child write in an imaginative and poetic way.
Chunking practice
A worksheet to encourage your child to use their knowledge of chunking when dividing in order to work out whether a number sentence is correct or not.
Two-digit addition practice
An activity involving adding two-digit numbers in order to determine whether a number sentence is correct.
Planning healthy meals
Encourage your child to plan three healthy meals and then to do the opposite and plan three unhealthy meals.
24-hour clock timetable
This worksheet helps children practise using the 24-hour clock and interpreting timetables.
Summer Learning pack
A long, lazy summer holiday is one of the great joys of life – but within days you’ll be driven to distraction by sibling squabbles and cries of “I’m bored” (not to mention a visible emptying of your wallet). Plus, research shows that kids who don’t stay mentally alert during the summer lose up to a third of what they’ve learned during the academic year. So try one of our 59 easy, boredom-busting activities – at home, on the move and on holiday. They’ll be having so much fun they won’t even realise they’re learning…
Thermal insulators and thermal conductors
A worksheet for children to cut out the names of different materials and then put them into the columns 'thermal insulator' and 'thermal conductor'.