Ks2 worksheets
Free worksheets: Science, KS2, Y6
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What stores and transfers energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store into another. In these pictures, which items do you think use energy? Which ones store energy? Do they all store/use the same type of energy? Cut them out and sort them into groups.
Understanding friction: Build your own balloon hovercraft
When a moving surface slides on a stationary surface it rubs against it, which slows it down. This is due to friction, a force which resists the movement of one object sliding past another. Understand more about friction with a fantastic practical project: make your own balloon hovercraft!
Super scientist quiz
Quiz questions to encourage your child to think about how scientists work and why they do the things they do.
Reaching conclusions
A worksheet showing results of an experiment with questions underneath to consider.
Multiply by 10 (including decimals)
This worksheet gives your child lots of examples of numbers to multiply by 10, including decimals.
Column addition including decimals
This worksheet gives plenty of opportunity for children to practise column addition when adding decimals. Answer sheet included.
Newspaper report writing
It's your child's turn to make the front page! Ask them to plan and report on a local issue, interviewing friends and family to get quotes.It will help them understand how newspaper reports are written, as well as encouraging them to become more aware of a local issue.
Designing for a purpose
Let your child use their imagination to create a camouflage outfit, helping them explore ideas about designing for a purpose.
3 times table practice
Cards to cut out and help your child to get quicker at remembering their 3 times table.
Mark number sentences
This worksheet requires children to use their knowledge of calculation and number symbols in order to work out which number sentences are correct.
Investigate rock properties
Worksheet encouraging children to think about the properties of different rocks.
Make simple predictions
This KS2 download will help your child to make simple comparisons and use first-hand experience to test predictions.
Guess the sport speaking and listening game
A game involving thinking of a sport and then answering yes / no questions on it; encourages children to develop questioning skills and listen attentively.
Reaching conclusions
A worksheet showing results of an experiment with questions underneath to consider.
Experimenting with pitch
Suggestions for activities to try at home to help your child investigate factors that affect pitch.
Learning about forces
This science worksheet is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils and will help your child to develop their science skills by using first-hand experience to answer questions.
Test a hypothesis
A hypothesis about the game noughts and crosses which prompts children to find their own method to prove or disprove the initial statement.
Dissolving solids and temperature experiment
This experiment helps children to think about how to methodically carry out an investigation and then draw conclusions about temperature and dissolving from the results.
Reversible changes: solids and liquids
An activity to help your child understand that some solids can be separated from liquids by filtering.
Multiplying by 10 and 100
This worksheet encourages children to think about how many 10p coins and 1p coins make up the given amounts.
Column addition with three-, four- and five-digit numbers
A sheet giving the opportunity to practise column addition using 3, 4 and 5 digit numbers.
Primary and secondary sources
How do we find out about the past? What evidence is available to us, and how can we research events that happened over 100 years ago? This worksheet will help your child develop an understanding of the passing of time and encourage them to think historically.
Experimenting with forces
Develop your child's understanding of forces with an experiment to demonstrate the workings of a jet engine whilst encouraging scientific discussion.
3 times table puzzles
This worksheet is a 'fill in the gaps' puzzle to help your child recall their multiplication and division facts of the 3 times table.