Ks2 Spelling worksheets
Free worksheets: Spelling, KS2
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Spelling patterns: the prefix dis-
A KS2 literacy worksheet created by an experienced teacher to practise adding the prefix dis- to a word. Discover prefix definitions, examples of the prefix dis– and how prefixes are taught in primary school.
KS2 high frequency words flashcards
After learning to read and spell the most common words in Reception and KS1, your child will move on to a longer list of common words including 'brought' and 'thought'. Support their learning at home with our KS2 high frequency words practice flashcards.
Spelling patterns: words ending -cian / -ssion
Cut out the words words ending -cian / -ssion. Practise learning each one by looking closely at it, then turn it over to see if you can write it correctly. Once you have learned them, try these tongue-twisting sentence activities!
Spelling patterns: the prefix auto-
Look up these words in the dictionary and write their definitions below. What do you think the prefix auto means?
Identifying silent letters
All of these words contain a silent letter. This means that the sound of that letter is not made when the word is spoken. Cut out the words above. Can you arrange them into the correct lists below and stick them down?
Spelling unstressed vowel words
A list of words that contain unstressed vowels. Children are asked to identify the vowel that is not heard clearly when the word is spoken.
Spelling patterns: The prefix con-
Words with the prefix con- and their definitions have been muddled up. Encourage your child to read them and then draw lines matching them up.
Spelling patterns: numerical prefixes
Cards for children to cut out and re-arrange so that they have made various words with numerical prefixes.
Forming words with prefixes
Sentences with gaps that need to be filled by words with prefixes. Children are encouraged to think about which prefixes have been used to form the words.
Building words with prefixes
A list of words with various prefixes. Children are encouraged to find out the definition of these words using a dictionary or from their own knowledge.
Homophones spelling practice
Pairs of homophones and then blank boxes for your child to write their own sentences containing each homophone, demonstrating that they understand the meaning of each.
Spelling patterns: the prefix mis-
This worksheet demonstrates to children how the prefix mis- changes the meaning of a word. They are then encouraged to use words starting mis- in sentences.
Spelling patterns: the prefix ex-
Use this worksheet to familiarise your child with words starting with the prefix 'ex'. It provides them with an activity where they need to match the word with the meaning.
High frequency words puzzle
Use this to help your child with their spellings and knowledge of syllables. They need to cut out all the syllables and then see how quickly they can put them back together as words.
KS2 high frequency words flashcards
After learning to read and spell the most common words in Reception and KS1, your child will move on to a longer list of common words including 'brought' and 'thought'. Support their learning at home with our KS2 high frequency words practice flashcards.