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Ks2 worksheets

Number lines

Number lines

Number lines are an essential tool in primary-school maths. Print out our colourful versions for use with your child at home, or use them as inspiration to help your child design (and perhaps decorate) their own number line.
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Choose the route: addition and multiplication

Choose the route: addition and multiplication

Starting with the number on the left, work out which route the boy takes to get to the red house. Which route does he take to get to the blue house?
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String of words puzzle

String of words puzzle

A Lewis Carroll quote is hidden inside the puzzle grid. All the words are in one string, starting with the letter in the purple square and ending in the square with the full stop. Put your pencil on the purple square and go forwards or backwards, up or down, (but not diagonally), until you find the string of words.
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Prime number puzzle

Prime number puzzle

Noah has an unusual ark. He only takes animals grouped in prime numbers. Zoe has a zoo that takes animals that are not in prime numbers. Which of the animals below go in the ark and
which into the zoo?
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Preposition split

Preposition split

Cut out these cards. The pink ones are the first part of a preposition, the green ones are the second part. Can you mix and match the cards to make 10 different prepositions?
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Non-verbal reasoning patterns

Non-verbal reasoning patterns

A non-verbal reasoning worksheet created by an educational expert, which provides questions and answers for non-verbal reasoning patterns (or sequences).
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Column words: verbs

Column words: verbs

Can you place the words in the correct rows in the grid so that the shaded column spells out another verb?
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Column words: adjectives

Column words: adjectives

Can you place the words in the correct rows in the grid so that the shaded column spells out another adjective?
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Choose the route: all four operations

Choose the route: all four operations

Starting with the number on the left, work out which route the boy takes to get to the orange house. Which route does he take to get to the blue house?
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Choose the route: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Choose the route: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Starting with the number on the left, work out which route the girl takes to get to the pink house. Which route does she take to get to the purple house?
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Arrow route calculations

Arrow route calculations

Starting at the green circle at the top, can you follow the arrows and complete each calculation to get to the final solution? Write it in the pink rectangle.
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Anagrams: countries in Europe

Anagrams: countries in Europe

The letters in the boxes have been mixed up. Can you unjumble them to find the name of a country in Europe?
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Key Stage 2 - 2013 LEVEL 6 English SATs Papers

Key Stage 2 - 2013 LEVEL 6 English SATs Papers

English KS2 SATs papers (Level 6) from 2013, free to download for at-home revision and practice. The Level 6 KS2 SATs were taken by very able children at the end of Year 6 from 2012 until 2015.
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KS2 Maths SATs 2013 past papers

Key Stage 2 - 2013 Maths SATs Papers

A complete set of official maths SATs papers (levels 3-5) from 2013; download the past papers and the answers and marking scheme to help your child in prepare for the Y6 tests with some at-home practice.
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Key Stage 2 - 2013 English SATs Papers

Key Stage 2 - 2013 English SATs Papers

Help your child prepare for the English KS2 SATs, taken at the end of Year 6, with some practice at home. These complete Y6 SATs past papers from 2013 include the KS2 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test.
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Key Stage 2 - 2013 LEVEL 6 Maths SATs Papers

Key Stage 2 - 2013 LEVEL 6 Maths SATs Papers

Level 6 KS2 maths SATs papers, free to download, from May 2013. Level 6 SATs were taken by very able children at the end of Year 6 between 2012 and 2015.
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Reading a Carroll diagram

Reading a Carroll diagram

This Carroll diagram shows the hair and eye colour combinations of a group of children. Can you answer the questions about the diagram?
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Spelling patterns: the suffix -phobia matching puzzle

Spelling patterns: the suffix -phobia matching puzzle

The suffix ‘phobia’ means ‘fear’. Look up these words in the dictionary and find out what fear they relate to, then match them correctly. Copy out each word to practise spelling it. What other unusual phobias can you discover?
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Year 5 maths booster pack

Year 5 maths booster pack

Rounding speed challenges, zoo subtraction problems, spotting square numbers and a little bit of pizza maths... it's all included in the Year 5 maths booster pack, designed to help your child practise and revise the key KS2 maths skills they've learned at school.
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Y5 English booster pack

Y5 English booster pack

From apostrophes to spelling mnemonics, prefixes to synonyms, the Year 5 English booster pack is bursting with revision activities to help consolidate and build on your child's literacy learning. And there's plenty of cutting and sticking, word searching, thesaurus checking and script writing to be done along the way!
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