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Ks2 worksheets

Finding multiples worksheet

Finding multiples

Draw a line to match these numbers to the correct multiple underneath. (Remember, some numbers have more than one multiple.)
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Finding factors worksheet

Finding factors

A FACTOR is a whole number that multiplies with another whole number to make a third number. Can you find all the pairs of factors for these numbers?
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Dividing multiples of 100 worksheet

Dividing multiples of 100

When dividing multiples of 100 it can be easier to divide each number by ten first. Can you work out these sums using this method?
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Decimals: doubling and halving worksheet

Decimals: doubling and halving

When doubling and halving decimals it is sometimes easier to imagine them as two-digit numbers. See if you can double and halve the following decimals, using the knowledge you already have of doubling and halving other numbers.
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Checking calculations with the inverse operation worksheet

Checking calculations with the inverse operation

Can you use the inverse to check if these number sentences are correct? Remember: check a division number sentence is correct by multiplying the two smaller numbers to see if they make the bigger number; check a subtraction number sentence by adding the two smaller numbers to see if they make the bigger number.
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Adding and subtracting decimals worksheet

Adding and subtracting decimals

When adding and subtracting decimals, it can be helpful to think about money. For example: 1.7 + 1.5. Change this to £1.70 and £1.50 to make £3.20, so the answer is 3.2. Use this method to work out these sums.
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Writing recounts: newspaper reports

Writing recounts: newspaper reports

A newspaper article is a form of recount. Can you write your own newspaper report? Use the writing frame provided or make your own. Remember to include all the important features of a newspaper article.
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Writing a cinquain worksheet

Writing a cinquain

Think of something that interests you and write a cinquain about it. Remember to follow the correct structure.
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Write your own explanation text worksheet

Write your own explanation text

Think of a topic that you could write your own explanation text about. Think of something you are interested in. Now make some notes on your topic then create a writing frame, either on the computer or by drawing lines with a pencil and ruler. Plan your explanation text on your writing frame. When you are happy with your plan, use another writing frame to write up your text neatly
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Using similes in poetry worksheet

Using similes in poetry

Think about something in nature. Now draw a picture of your subject in the middle of this spider diagram. Write similes to describe it in the boxes on the outside
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Using similes to describe setting worksheet

Using similes to describe setting

When you are writing, similes are a really effective way to give people a picture in their mind of something you are describing. A SIMILE is a comparison – it finds similar characteristics in two objects and compares them. It always uses the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ to make the comparison. Look at this picture and use the simile starters to write your own similes.
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Spelling wordsearch: the suffix -hood

Spelling wordsearch: the suffix -hood

Each of these words ending in -hood is hidden in the wordsearch. Can you find them and insert them into the sentences below?
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Spelling words with three syllables worksheet

Spelling words with three syllables

Syllables in a word are like beats. All these words have three syllables. Clap out the syllables as you say each word then practise spelling it with the look, cover, write and check method.
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Spelling patterns: words ending in -ough

Spelling patterns: words ending in -ough

Words containing ‘ough’ are always tricky to remember! Practise writing these sentences to help you learn the spellings. First, look at the sentence and then copy it. Then get an adult to read them both to you so that you can write it without looking. Ask an adult to underline any -ough words you got wrong. Now do a spelling speed check – how many times can you write it in 20 seconds?
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Spelling patterns: words ending in -sion and -tion

Spelling patterns: words ending in -sion and -tion

Cut out these cards and sort them into two groups: words ending in -sion and words ending in -tion. Practise copying each word onto a separate sheet of paper. Ask an adult to muddle up the words and then test you on the spellings.
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Spelling patterns: the suffix -al

Spelling patterns: the suffix -al

Look up these words in the dictionary and write down what they mean. Practise spelling each word by looking at it, covering it over, writing it on a separate piece of paper, then checking if you were right.
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Spelling crossword: the suffix -ary

Spelling crossword: the suffix -ary

Can you complete this crossword with words which contain the the suffix -ary? Read the clues below to work out what the words are.
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Spelling wordsearch: the suffix -ment

Spelling wordsearch: the suffix -ment

Each of these words ending in -ment is hidden in the wordsearch below. Can you find them and insert them into the sentences below?
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Setting out a play script correctly worksheet

Setting out a play script correctly

Read this passage of text from a story. Write the speech out as a play script, using the frame to guide you. Remember to include stage directions to show what people are doing.
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Recount planning frame worksheet

Recount planning frame

Use this planning frame to write a recount. There are some helpful questions to get you going.
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